Chapter 9:The retard twins

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Selena's POV

I hate math sometimes , I don't understand algebra at all. Who the hell even need algebra ?  Yes sir I need an X crossed over Y in bills (sarcasm) .

I groan and roll over on my bed , I'm so bored with nothing to do I rub my belly "I'm so bored cupcake what should we do ? " I think out loud "Ooh I really want a pickle right now " I say and walk downstairs .

Suddenly my door burst open revealing Jason and Justin " the king is here bitches !" Jason shouts walking in like some sassy model "Dude you're so gay " Justin groans "I'm not even going to ask " I say and walk into the kitchen I see a box of Cheez It's and instantly my mouth waters "you're making me fat" I say looking at my bump I reach up to grab it but I'm too short ,  who the fuck buys a 6'5 fridge anyway ? I jump a little .

"Aww prego can't reach her snacks " Jason teases "BOI IF YOU DON'-" I begin "CHILL ! I'll get them for you " he says "I hope my child hates you " I hiss as he passes me the box , Jason scoffs "please babies love me " he says 'flicking ' his imaginary hair I roll my eyes at him.

"How the hell did you two get in my house ?" I ask walking into the living room "Your mom gave baby daddy a key duh !" Jason says sassily "Dude I'm seriously starting to question if you're straight " Justin says I laugh "Ditto" I say "Shut up "Jason grumbles .

"who's Johnnyboy ?" Jason says looking at my phone that was charging but is now in his hand , Justin's head shoots down to me "some kid I went to summer camp with " I shrug putting some more Cheez it's in my mouth "Okay ? So why is he texting you ?" Justin asks "I don't know stop moving " I say .

"Give me my phone dumbass " I say to Jason "Feisty !" Jason says passing me my phone I unlock it and see the text 'You grew up beautiful 😍' he sent I roll my eyes 'not that you weren't beautiful before 😳 ' he says , and again I roll my eyes .

"Let me see " Justin says I flash him the screen and he snatches my phone and starts typing "Justin !" I shriek reaching for my phone "what are you doing ?" I say annoyed "nothing here " he says passing me my phone "stop texting my girl " I read aloud I groan "really Justin ?" I say

"we never let these ninjas text our girls yo !" Jason says with a mouth full of Cheez it's " you guys should be in the Guinness book of world records for most annoying twins " I say removing my head from Justin's lap.

Facetime call from Momma 🐻...

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"What's up Momma ?" I say "Selena we need to talk " she says "so come home " I roll my eyes " tu actitud " she snaps I hear Jason snicker and throw a pillow at him "who's there ?" She asks " The retard twins" I say "Hey !" They say in unison .

" Manny got a job in Africa " she says suddenly  "cool for him I guess " I say not really seeing how this involves me " He wants us to come with him " She says "WHAT !?" The twins and I say in unison "It'll just be for a year " She says "A year ? Fuck that " I snap " tu voca ! " She shrieks "que esperbas ?" I say annoyed.

"Look Selena he really wants us to go " she sighs " no he really wants you to go he doesn't give a shit about me , I'm having a baby and you want me to go across the world for your boyfriend stop being so selfish for once in your life think about me you're not a teenager anymore , I'm tired of raising you instead of you raising me , if you want to leave fine go it's not like I haven't been taking care of myself all these years " I finally snapped I ended the call and threw my phone across the room " cold " Jason says .

(A/N:Orange Is The New Black watchers will understand 😂😂)

I sigh and stand up,  I can't deal with this right now , I walk upstairs and enter my room slamming the door.

I sigh and start crying , I lay on my bed throwing all of my books to the floor , I just want to shrink into thin air or crawl in a hole and die , either is fine .

I hear the door open and close , I feel the other half of my bed sink and a hand on my belly "Its gonna be okay " Justin's soft voice fills my room , I turn my head to him and bury my face into his chest sobbing ,  why can't she ever think of me ? For just once !

I wake up to loneliness , I cried myself to sleep on Justin's chest , I hear a flush sound from my bathroom and then Justin comes to view in nothing but his boxers I bite my lips and let my eyes greedily roam his body .

I was never good at seduction so I just go in for the kill "Want to have sex ?" I ask bluntly his head Snaps up " Are you seriously asking a teenage boy if he wants to have sex ?" He says with an amused expression I smile , and roll my eyes " Is that a yes ?" I say "Is that even safe ?" He asks gesturing to my stomach "It's actually healthy " I shrug his eyes widen "You're just now telling me this " He says walking closer to me "I don't know how to straight up say ' it's healthy if we regularly have sex during pregnancy ' , plus we've only been dating for a couple weeks I didn't want to seem easy  " I say  "you're pregnant with my kid , wanting to having sex with me wouldn't make you seem easy " he says "so are you gonna have sex with me ? because you're kinda ruining my whole horny vibe " I groan "What if your m-" he began "She's at her boyfriends " I say "O-Okay" he shrugs but he seems sorta nervous  .

"Can you stop going so slow ?" I moan as he thrust into me very slowly "I don't want to hurt the baby" he sighs into my neck "you won't Justin fuck " I say wrapping my arms around his neck "but what if I poke the baby ?" He says worriedly "Justin if we cannn fuck if we can have a conversation during sex somethings not right " I say "fuck you're right " he sighs pulling out of me.

"What's wrong baby  ?" I ask sitting up"I've never had sex with a girl I cared about before ,  I never had to worry about if I'm hurting them or if I'm going to rough cause I didn't care with you it's different " he says running his hands through his hair "I'm not a doll Justin , I'm not gonna break " I say "I've never felt like such a bad fuck in my entire life " he sighs I laugh " Yeah that sex was bad and awkward " I say he laughs too "Want to try again ?" He asks "You're not gonna go slow again are you ?" I ask "Fuck no " he says " then yes "  I smile pulling him on top of me  .

[ warning: heavy sexual content below ]

His hands lower to my breast and I moan as Justin rolls my nipple with his thumb , he spreads my legs and pushes back into me with a groan , we both moan into each others mouths as he pulls back out and shoves into me fiercely " god it always gets better with you " he grunts pinning my hands above my head and pushing into me .

" Oh yes please " I moan arching my back slightly pressing my hard belly against his , he gasps at the feeling of our stomach touching and looks down then back up to me " God that's so sexy Selena , apart of me is inside of your beautiful body , you know what that means right ? " he says pushing deeper into me , hitting a spot that could make me do or say anything he wants " it means I own you , every inch , a piece of me is invading your body and no one else can have that , do you understand ? " with every word he spoke came a powerful thrust and I gasp rocking my hips against his " say it baby , say you understand " he says , grabbing some of my hair and tilting my head to the side so he has better access to my neck " yes , yes oh !  Justin yes ! I understand , I'm yours ! " I cry out as he leaves bruising kisses on my neck " good girl now cum " he commands and my orgasmn is so intense my whole body starts to shake , I can hardly I feel him thrust into me as he calls out my name and fills me full of him .

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