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Olivia's POV

After everything that happened last night, everyone is acting calm and a little happier, but deep down we know the problem is far from gone.

The ambulance had come shortly after Stiles' call, along with two police cars, one being Deputy Parrish to bring us all home safely while Mr. Stilinski was taken to hospital.

Lydia had gotten her car fixed first thing this morning, so she wouldn't be late for school, picking up Stiles along the way as his jeep was still at the station.

As for Thomas, we found out that he was a beta, and has been for a long time now. He had healed pretty quickly, which made the paramedics very confused, but has gone to stay with his brother for a while until he can have the house fixed.

Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia and I currently sit in the lunch room as we start to discuss what had happened last night, when Malia speaks up.

"Wait a second" she says and we turn our heads towards her. "You guys went off last night and didn't think of inviting me?"

"It wasn't a party, Malia" I sigh and she looks at me for a moment before turning away and shaking her head.

"Look, it's over now" Scott puts his hands in the air. "And no one died which is the main thing."

"How's your dad doing?" Lydia asks Stiles and he nods his head as he places his bottle of water down on the table.

"He's okay" he says. "He's getting discharged later on today"

"That's great" Scott smiles and sits up straight in his seat.

"What happened to your dad?" Malia asks Stiles, concern written all over her face.

"He nearly got choked to death last night, but didn't thanks to Olivia. She saved his life." Stiles looks over to me and smiles. I give him a smile back as I hear Malia sigh.

"So, I was thinking" I start, everyone looking over at me. "We're going to need more people if we're going up against the Jorõgumo. It was pretty strong last night against the two of us" I refer to Scott and I, "and it will get alot stronger on the night of the full moon"

"That's about eleven days away" Lydia thinks and I nod. "So you're saying we have about eleven days to find, how many more people?"

"Around four more people" I estimate. "Maybe we could ask Thomas to help us out" I suggest and everyone nods their heads.

"Do you guys know anyone else who can help us?" I ask, noticing Scott and Stiles share glances once I say this. "Scott? Stiles?"

"Um, no" Scott shakes his head. "But we have Liam and Hayden too. We need all the help we can get, right?" He says and I nod my head, trying to think of anyone who can help us fight.

"Hey" I look up to Stiles and he raises his eyebrows. "What about that girl, the Kitsune? You had a picture of her on your board." Scott and Stiles share glances once again and I look over at Scott, then back to Stiles. "You said she went somewhere, right?" He nods his head slowly as I speak. "So, we go and find her. She can help us"

"I don't kn-"

Scott was cut off by Malia and I turn to face her.

"Hold up" she leans foward, her frown from earlier reappearing. "You were in Stiles' bedroom?"

"Malia, it's not what you thi-" Stiles tries to explain but she cuts him off too, standing up.

"You're unbelievable" she shakes her head and walks away. This time I frown.

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