Chapter 19

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HELLO LOVELIES!! Sorry about the extremely long hiatus. I'm back and have so many ideas to share with you guys. I really hope you guys are still hanging around despite the achingly long hiatus. If you are, thank you so much for sticking around and still loving my story. You guys are the best. Here's a nice, long and angsty chapter as my return gift.

We woke up to pounding on my apartment door. One time to spend alone with my boyfriend, without interruption. That's all I ask.

I groaned and I got up out of bed, earning a groan from Garrus.

"I know, I know. I didn't wanna get up either but whoever is at the door seriously wants in." I said kissing his head and heading downstairs to open the door.

I opened the door and Tali burst in carrying boxes full of what I'm guessing was old CDs

"Come one in, why don't ya?" I said shutting the door.

"I found these old Earth CDs and they still work!!" She said placing them on the table and taking a few out.

She handed them to me.

Beyonce, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, and Wiz Khalifa.

"You have to call the crew so we can all listen to them together." She said.

"Aye aye, ma'am" I said sarcastically saluting, with a slight chuckle and headed back upstairs to see Garrus fully dressed.

"Morning, I heard Tali downstairs. What's she so excited about?" He asked.

"She found some old Earth CDs and she wants us all to listen to them together." I said as I sent out an email to the rest of the crew, sans Garrus.

He chuckled.

"I figured, have you heard any of them?" He asked sitting beside me.

"Yeah, I've heard them, the ones she handed me are pretty good, though not all music from Earth is good. Some of it sucks, like really bad." I said remembering a few albums that came out which basically consisted of teenage boys whining and thinking it's music.

He chuckled, kissed my cheek, and headed downstairs.

I got up, got dressed and headed back downstairs just in time for someone to knock on the door.

"Come on in, Tali did" I called as I plopped onto the couch, beside Garrus.

The door opened and the rest of the Normandy Crew swarmed into my apartment.

Garrus wrapped his arm around me as I leaned into him.

James walked into the kitchen and came out with a beer before plopping onto the couch and kicking his feet up.

"Make yourself at home why don't you." I said under my breath.

Garrus chuckled as James put his feet down and leaned forward.

"So, what kind of music did you find, Tali?" He asked.

"Alot of different genres. Shepard saw some of them and didn't make her usual disgusted face" Tali said taking a CD out of its case and putting it in the CD drive that Glyph provided.

"What face?" I asked.

"You know. The face you make when you see something you really don't like." Tali said trying to choose a song.

"Not meaning anyharm, Lola. It's just that you do make that face alot." James said shrugging and taking a sip of his beer.

"I do not!" I said.

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