Chapter Four

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**Still Ben's POV**

The next day.....

I didn't regret what I did last night at Rose's place. If anything, I enjoyed it.

Unfortunately, I didn't know if I'd see her again as today was Saturday. I don't know where she'd go if I were to try and hang out with her. I soon came to the conclusion that I should just go back to her apartment and see if she was still there.

She should be up by now. It was about ten-thirty when I pulled up outside the building.

**Rosalie's POV**

I have a feeling that something happened last night. I can't remember, though, which is fairly odd. I'd like to think that I was dreaming, but it all seemed so real.

"Miss, there's someone at the door for you." One of my maids infirmed me.

"Thanks. Could you send them in for me?" I replied.

"Of course, Miss, right away." She said as she hurried out of my room.

I wasn't that keen on my maids calling me 'Miss' instead of my actual name, but that was how they wanted it, so that's what I let them call me.

"Here he is, Miss." My maid informed me.

"Thank you." I said.

Mind you, I was still in my walk-in wardrobe getting changed right now, so I had no idea who she'd let into my room.

"Zac? Is that you?" I called out to the mystery man in my room as I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top.

"You tell me." The man replied. He didn't sound like Zac at all.

"Who are you?"

"You really don't know who I am?"

I walked out of my walk-in wardrobe to come face-to-face with Ben.

"What do you want now?" I demanded as I slid my feet into some ballet flats.

"I'm here to see you. Why else would I be here?" He responded rhetorically.

"Will you just leave me alone? I don't want to be with you, okay? I've just about had it with you."

"Oh really? Last time I saw you, you couldn't get enough of me."

"That was last year."

"Was it, Rose? Was it really?"

I thought back. When was the last time I saw him? Then I thought about my supposed 'dream' last night. Maybe that wasn't a dream after all.

"You ass! You took advantage of me? That's just low, even for you." I scolded him.

"It doesn't count as taking advantage of you if you kissed me back." He told me.

"I did not kiss you back."

"Yeah, you did."

"I think I know better than to do something as stupid as that."

"We'll see about that."

As soon as he took one step toward me, I back away instantly.

"I swear, you better stop trying to kiss me, or I'll kick you down there again." I warned him.

"Oh really now? What's stopping me from kissing you? Did you find someone else while I was gone?" He interrogated me.

"Not exactly, but it's a work in progress."

"What's a work in progress?"

"Well, I've sort of been getting closer to Zac-"

"No, stop right there. What does he have that I don't?"

"For starters, he isn't a total ass like you." I told him.

He scoffed at my comment. "Stop flattering me, Rosie. You-"

"Don't call me that!"

"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know you didn't like being called that anymore."

"Just go. I think you've overstayed your welcome here."

"But what about all this? You had to have missed this." He said as he gestured to his body.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that." I replied sarcastically.

"So what do you say?"


"I'm sorry. What?"

"What? You haven't been turned down before? Excuse me for not telling you how this works. Firstly, you ask me out. Then I say no and that insults you. Afterward, you roam around town getting so drunk you won't be able to feel your legs!"

"Is that all? Because the part where I go get hammered sounds great." He joked.

"You're an idiot, Benjamin. You know that?" I asked him.

"Well I have been called that quite a few times by others, so you wouldn't have been the first."

"Or last, for that matter."

"What have you got against me? I said I was sorry, and you're still making things difficult!"

"I'm making things difficult for you, now am I? Well sorry that I'm such a pain in the ass!"

"So glad that we're on the right page now." He said to me.

"Could you please leave now? I don't want to talk anymore." I responded.

"Okay. On one condition."

"Alright. What is it?"

"I take you out for dinner tonight."

"Is there another option?"

"You could kiss me again." He told me.

"I'll take the dinner." I said quickly.

"Thought so. I'll be back at six. Be ready by then."

"Yeah, yeah. Just get out."

"Whatever you say, Rose."

And with that, he walked out of my apartment. I can't believe I talked to him in the first place. I really needed to spend some more time with Zac. Hanging out with Ben wasn't good on anyone's account.

~~ Stay tuned for what's coming up next! Sorry if this isn't as interesting as you want it to be, but it can only get better from here, right? Don't forget to comment on what you think on my story so far!

Photo of Jessica to the top who's played by Ashley Benson. ~~

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