Chapter Thirty-Two

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**Rosalie's POV**

The next day.....

I'm back at school again after last week's absense. Unfortunately, Ben wouldn't leave me alone. He just can't accept the fact that we were done. Over. Why can't he get that through his head already?

It got to about lunchtime before I'd just about had it with his antics and decided to eat on the bleachers on the soccer field. Zac had soon joined me after a few minutes.

"I don't know if I should be asking this or not, but will you ever tell me what happened yesterday?" He asked me.

"Maybe some other time, Zac. I'm sorry." I apologised.

"You don't need to say sorry, Rose. You can tell me whenever you want. I'll be right here for you."


"So were you going to be sitting up here from now on?"

"Only until he stops pestering me."

"This must've really bad then if you aren't speaking to him at all." He said.

"Well, yeah. That's why I'm sitting up here in the first place." I questioned him.

"Good point."

"Now that I think about it, I should just tell you what happened now, just to get it off my chest."

"Only if you're comfortable with it."

"It's fine. So anyway, I was over at his house yesterday when he got this phone call from a friend. Whoever it was, I could hear them like they were in the same room, they were that loud. They brought up the topic of some payment that he owed him, then I realised it was betting money. I told him before to give it all back to his friend, but he never did."

"Well I'll be damned." He muttered before speaking more clearly. "So I take it you made a clean break with him then?"

"Yep. I walked right out of there, and I don't intend on going back anytime soon." I told him.

"And since then he's practically been stalking you to try and get back together."

"Right. He's just so annoying. It's becoming harder to ignore him."

"Keep it together now, Rose."

"I will, don't worry. But just so you know, if he comes across me again today, you better hold me back before I can injure him."

"Would you really go that far?" He questioned me.

"Only if I have to." I told him. "And speaking of the devil himself..."

Ben walked out from the side of the bleachers and started coming up the steps to where Zac and I were.

Zac placed his hand on my shoulder. "Keep it together. You're better than this." He whispered.

"I can still walk away, right?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"Well aren't you the bestest friend ever?"

"You know I am."

Ben soon reached our spot and sat about a metre away from me.

Good choice.

"Will you please just hear me out, Rose. I can't go on like this knowing that you hate me." He pleaded.

"Well then you better learn how to adapt." I told him.

"If you just give me one more chance, I promise-"

"You want me to give you another chance? No! Why would I do something as stupid as that? You bet on me and then lied to me over and over again about it."

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