Chapter Sixteen

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**Still Ben's POV**

I was freaking out.

Sara couldn't breathe, and I was freaking out.

We rushed to the hospital as soon as the words left Rose's mouth. When we got there, Sara was admitted immediately. Thank God for that.

I still had no idea what the hell was going on here. My baby sister had been admitted to hospital because she couldn't breathe properly. This could not be happening.

Rose and I sat outside Sara's room while the doctors did whatever the hell it is that they had to do.

"Everything's going to be just fine." Rose tried to assure me as she rested her head on my shoulder and held my hand. "Sara will be okay."

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yep. It'll all be good again."


"Don't worry, Ben. I promise you that Sara will be perfectly fine."

"Okay. I think I've got this under control now."

"You know, it's alright to cry every now and then. It's good for you." She told me.

"I don't need to cry, Rosie. At least, not this time, anyway." I replied.

"Suit yourself then. To be honest, I thought you were a bit of a softie on the inside."

"Gee, thanks."

Something that seemed like forever passed before a doctor came out. I literally jumped out of my seat to talk to him.

"Is she okay?" I asked her urgently.

"I take it you're Sara's brother then. Well, your sister will be fine. She's just got a case of glandular fever. This is something that can be treated, and she'll be out before you know it." She replied.

"What the hell's glandular fever?"

"It's when the glands swell up, therefore making it harder for one to breathe. That's what Sara's going through right now."

"Can I go in at least?"

"I don't think she's awake just yet. She started drifting off."

"I don't care, I just want to see her." I said firmly.

"As you wish. Go right ahead." She told me.

I walked into Sara's room. She looked so small on that hospital bed. So innocent. How the hell could she have gotten this?

I pulled up a chair and sat next to her bed where I held her hand. Being careful so I didn't wake her up. I'd never hear the end of it after that.

I heard the door close behind me softly. I turned slightly and saw Rose walking in. She too pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

"What are you thinking?" She asked me.

"What my mum told me this one time. She said that even if people are asleep, unconscious, whatever, that they could still hear what someone was saying to them." I explained to her.

"Did you want to test that little theory?"


"I'll just be leaving you two alone then."

"You don't need to leave, do you?"

"Don't worry. I'll just be over by the window." She assured me.

"Alright then." I replied as I scooted closer to Sara.

Here goes nothing.

"Sara, it's Ben. Or Benny. Whatever you want to call me. I think that you hear me right now, but I don't know. I'll still say what I wanted to say anyway. You're the best baby sister anyone could ever ask for. I know I say you're annoying sometimes, but you know I'm just joking. I love you so very, very much and I can't bear to see you like this. You're always so happy and bubbly, it just kills me inside. It kills me, Sara. You are hands down the most important person in my life, and I love you."

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