Chapter Twenty-Nine

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**Rosalie's POV**

Alex, Zac, and I were now on a flight to London and I was still trying to register what had happened.

My dad had a heart attack. How often does someone tell you that? I would've had a breakdown if it wasn't for Alex and Zac.

We sat on the left side of the aisle with Zac in the window seat, me in the middle, and Alex in the seat closest to the aisle.

All the while I was thinking about how I'd practically just abandoned Ben.

My mum had called me, told me what happened, then she'd told Alex, Zac, and Jess, since they were the closest friends of the family she could think of at the time. Then I'd gathered my things and rushed downstairs to wait for Zac to pick me up. Sara was already awake for some reason. I think it was because her parents were up as well as they had to get ready for work. And as soon as Zac pulled up (his bags already packed), we went back to Jess' where Alex and I packed our own bags and we headed to the airport. Jess would've came with us, but she had John and her parents, even though we were close with them, thought it'd be best to stay, which we were all fine with.

Ben still hadn't left my mind, though. I didn't leave him a note, or a message, nothing. Now I felt bad because I wouldn't be able to contact him until we landed in London.

I didn't see why my parents had to move all the way to London to live, but that was what they wanted, so I couldn't care less about that. My aunt that lived up there owned some sort of empire and was insanely famous. Yes, I was the niece of the great Katherine Stryder.

I'd met her before. I think it was about two years ago when I was sixteen. Zac and his parents were invited to come too, so at least I'd have someone who I knew to hang out with.

Once news spread that Katherine Stryder's niece was apparently "seeing" someone, the paparazzi were onto us like flies to food. Now every time we fly up, they expect us to be together all the time. Damn you, paparazzi.

How the hell would I go through with this? The public loves Zac and I together, and even after our brief relationship, I don't know if I can actually pull this off. I mean, I'm with somebody else, for crying out loud!

How was I going to explain this to Ben? News would somehow spread internationally, and he'd be on my case. I couldn't go through the pain of us being broken up again. Not like this.

Jess would have to hide her laptop or something, because she always kept tabs on me while I was in London with Zac. She knew what I was thinking when it came to this whole relationship stuff and the paparazzi. She'd be smart enough to put her laptop away when Ben was around, right?

"Hey. Are you okay, Rose?" Zac asked me, holding my hand.

"I'm just a little shaken up is all." I answered him.

"There's nothing to worry about. Your dad's going to be fine."

"I sure hope so."

"I know so, Rose."

"Thanks for the reassurance."

"Anytime." He said.

I rested my head on Zac's shoulder as I tried to catch up on some sleep. At least for a little while. And I was thankful when sleep greeted me with open arms.

However, this was no peaceful sleep. I was having a nightmare...and I was scared.

**Zac's POV**

Half an hour later.....

Rose was resting on my shoulder and Alex had gone to use the bathroom. And after trying to entertain myself with the small TV in front of me, I turned off the sound, as the shows were boring me.

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