Chapter Eight

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**Ben's POV**

I couldn't wait until Rosalie came over for lunch today. And Sara couldn't contain herself either. She'd finally found someone to talk to about that Channing Tatum guy.

It was a bit weird, though. Sara's only seven and she's watching movies with God knows how many shirtless scenes, make out scenes, etc. Oh well, as long as she's happy.

I found myself watching another one of those movies for what had to be the hundreth time. I fell asleep again, getting bored by whatever it was.

I woke up at the sound of someone knocking at the door. Sara quickly turned off the TV and rushed to the door, beating me there in the process.

"Hey! How are you, sweetie?" I heard Rosalie greet Sara cheerfully.

"I'm good." I heard Sara reply.

Just as I was about to round the corner to get to the door, Rosalie walked into the living area carrying Sara in her arms.

"Fell asleep during another Channing Tatum movie, did you?" She asked me as she placed Sara back on the ground.

"Maybe." I replied, smiling at her.

"You're lucky she didn't start watching 21 Jump Street or Magic Mike behind your back."

"He was in 21 Jump Street?"

"And White House Down, and a whole lot of other great movies."

"Something tells me you've seen all of his movies."

"Maybe I have, maybe I haven't." She said. "But yes. I've seen pretty much every Channing Tatum movie out there. I think they're making sequels to 21 Jump Street and Magic Mike, though."

"Better add those to your bucket list then." I joked.

"Definitely!" She laughed. God did I miss that laugh of hers.

"Can we eat now?" Sara interrupted.

"Sure, sweetie." Rosalie replied as she carried Sara to the kitchen.

"Come on, Benny! We're not gonna wait for you!" Sara called over her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." I called back, heading in after them.

We'd just sat down for lunch, when Rose's phone started ringing.

"Sorry about that." She apologised as she declined the call.

"Not important enough to answer?" I asked her.

"Not really, no." She said softly.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Sara asked her.

"No, sweetie. Just a friend." Rose answered her.

"Do you even have a boyfriend?"


"So why do you keep playing with Benny, then?"

"We're just friends, sweetie."

Talk about an awkward moment. Rose thought that we were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Thing is, I don't want to stay in the friend zone. I want to be with her all the time. She knows that, sort of, but she's still tossing between me and that other douche of a friend she calls Zac. I think I'm winning, though, after last night's party. Go me!

"Will you play Hide and Seek with me after lunch, Rosie?" Sara asked.

"Sure. Only if Ben decides to play too." She replied, smiling at me.

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