Chapter Three

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**Ben's POV**

When the hell did Rose get so fiesty? And did I really hurt her that badly? I had to make her see sense. To make her understand that I didn't really mean to leave her the way I did.

What was I supposed to do now? I could wait for her to come back up, but God knows how long that'll take. I didn't want to cancel my party either. I could come back tomorrow anyway. Maybe she'll have calmed down a little then.

I started wondering around her apartment and ended up in her bedroom. I'd almost forgot what it looked like. Her room had an adjoining balcony and I went outside to get some air. The park across from the building was pretty big, but I could still make out the people that were there.

I looked to see if Rose was there, and after a few seconds I found her. She was sitting under a tree with that idiot of friend she calls Zac. Wait, hold up! What the hell were they doing? Were they seriously making out? No way was I gonna let this go on any longer. I gotta get down there.

A few minutes later...

I was soon out at the park and was closing in on Rose and him. I was gonna hurt him so bad he won't be able to walk for a week. At least there weren't many people out now. Less witnesses.

As soon as I got to them, I threw Zac off of her.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

"What does it matter to you?" He responded as he stood up.

"It matters because she's mine. Not yours." I told him.

"I'm not yours. I haven't been for a year now and you think that you can just come in like you hold some moronic claim over me?" Rose interrupted.

"Please don't get involved with this, Rose." I said to her.

"I wasn't going to because nothing's gonna happen. Right?"

"Right. Or at least, not to you."

"Don't touch him. Just back off and leave us alone."

"What makes you gonna think I'll do that?"

"Did you want me to hurt you again?"

"God, no." I said.

"Then go away." She told me.

"Not until we talk properly first. I just want to make you understand what happened."

"So why didn't you call me then? I didn't get anything from you. Do you know how many times I was sent through to voicemail? Do you know how many times I texted you only to end up with no replies whatsoever?"

"I'm sorry-"

"No, you're not sorry. If you were sorry then you wouldn't have left me. You're just a selfish jackass!"

"Whoa! Where'd you learn to talk like that?" I joked.

"You're impossible to talk to! You keep changing the subject." She said loudly. "We're leaving. Don't follow us or I will call the cops on you. For real this time."

And with that, she grabbed Zac and stormed back to the apartment building.

I knew another one of her weak spots, though. She loves her sleep, so I'm gonna rock up late at night and talk to her then. She usually doesn't care who she talks to when she's tired anyway. This plan was probably better than the other plans I thought of, so I'll just go with this for now. That, or I could show up drunk. Then she'll have to talk to me so she can knock some sense into me.

Yeah. Either of these ideas should work on her. She wasn't the only one who could play this game.

**Rosalie's POV**

"I can't believe he did that!" I exclaimed as we walked back into my apartment.

"I'm telling you, I think that you should at least try to ignore him." Zac told me.

"You think I haven't tried yet? He knows how to get inside my head and it's driving me crazy! You have to help me."

"You could come crash at my place for a couple days if you want. Just like old times."

"Sounds fun, but I think I can manage staying here. I've been doing it for a few years now."

"What are you gonna do then? Just let him keep coming up here and annoying the hell out of you? No way am I going to let that happen, Rose."

"Thanks, Zac." I said to him.

A few seconds after we'd finished our conversation, Zac leaned in and kissed me again.

**Ben's POV**

After the party, late at night...

I'd somehow managed to get into Rose's apartment. And by that, I mean that I'm a master at pick-locking.

When I got in (closing the door silently), I noticed that her maids were probably asleep and that Zac was nowhere to be found. Perfect.

I crept into Rose's room and closed the door behind me. I sat down next to her and started stroking her hair. She might've stirred a little, but I needed her awake.

"Rose. Come on, wake up for me please." I said as I started nudging her. "I need to talk to you."

This time, she did wake up. She didn't, however, have a major reaction when she saw me. Okay. I'm doing good so far.

"What do you want?" She demanded as she sat up slowly and yawned. "How'd you get in here?"

"Obviously you forgot my ability of excellent lock-picking." I told her jokingly.

"Is this about when I kneed you down there?"

"No. I just wanted to say sorry about me leaving you."

"It's okay. I know you probably didn't mean to leave like you did."

"So are we all good now?"

"I guess so." She said. "Do you mind leaving now, though? I really want to get some rest."

"Sure. Just one last thing." I replied.

Quickly, I wrapped my arms around her and brought my mouth down onto hers. And I swear, I think she might've kissed me back.

~~ New chapter coming sooner than you think, so keep posted! Be sure to comment, vote, etc.

Photo of Zac to the top who's played by Zac Efron. ~~

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