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Before anyone knew it, it was already lunch time! Finally! A chance for a well deserved break...

As usual, Alvin would sit with the popular kids. It was one of the things he liked about the lunch hour;He could could talk about how great he is!

Meanwhile, Simon and Theodore sat at a table that was much further away from Alvin's. They didn't mind him sitting with them. However, when it comes to him bragging, Simon and Theodore would rather be away from bearing it, seeing as they already hear enough of it at home. Theodore was sitting across from Simon.

"So Simon! What happened to that thing you made?" Theodore asked, referring to the cell model.

"Oh that? Well I turned it in to the science teacher earlier! I got some well deserved extra credit." Simon chuckled, obviously feeling proud for his accomplishment.

"Nice!" Theodore exclaimed.

At that moment, two certain Chipettes began to walk towards their table, smiling.

"Hey guys! Mind if we join you?" Eleanor called out.

"S-Sure! There's plenty of room!" Theodore smiled, patting the seat next to him. Eleanor and Jeanette climbed their way up to the table and sat by Theodore,

"So uh...where's Brittany?" Simon asked.

"Maybe you should turn around..." Eleanor answered.

Simon turned towards the table Alvin was in and sure enough, Brittany was already there, chatting away with a couple of girls. Simon turned back to face the group.

"I see..." He mumbled.

"You know how those two are..." Jeanette nervously smiled. They all knew that Alvin and Brittany were different in so many ways, but at the same time, they shared similar personality traits.

"So uh...are you guys doing anything this weekend?" Theodore asked while chewing on his sandwich.

"Well not really..." Eleanor said.

"Maybe we should all get together and do something! It'll be fun!" Theodore exclaimed.

"That's a great idea, Theo." Jeanette smiled.

"Yeah! But what would we do exactly?" Simon asked.

" you guys wanna go see a movie? I heard that The Secret Life of Pets is a good one!" Eleanor suggested.

"Oh! I've been wanting to watch that one!" Jeanette giggled.

"So are we all in favor to go to the movies?" Simon said.

"Yeah!" The others exclaimed.

"Great! So it's a date!- I-I mean it's THAT date! Yup! Saturday it is!" He nervously chuckled, covering up his mistake. Luckily, none of them seemed to notice.


"You WHAT?!"

The voice of Alvin Seville screeched throughout the Seville residence. He had just heard as to what the others had planned for their weekend.

"Yup. We're ALL spending the day together!" Theodore exclaimed.

"That includes YOU too, Alvin." Dave ordered, making Simon smirk.

"What?! There's NO way that I'm spending an ENTIRE Saturday with...w-with...HER!" He complained. They all knew who he was referring to.

"Now Alvin. Remember you're still grounded!" Dave reminded him as he walked over to the kitchen to start making dinner.

"Aw come on Alvin! It's just the movies!" Theodore pleaded.

"A nice, and quiet, place!" Simon commented.

"But that's boring! The Secret Life of Pets isn't even a good movie!" Alvin grumbled.

"Alvin...the movie hasn't even been shown in theaters yet..." Simon facepalmed himself.

"You know what? Fine! FINE! I'll join your little movie date!"

"I-It's not a date!" Simon exclaimed.

"Whatever...but I'll join under one condition!"

Well that was certainly NOT a good sign...

"Name it." Simon muttered.

"After the movie, I get to choose as to what we do!" Alvin stated.

Theodore whispered over to Simon.

"I don't know Simon...who knows what Alvin has planned!

"I'm sure we can handle it." Simon reassured him.

" we have a deal?" Alvin extended out his hand.

"" Simon shook his hand, making Alvin grin.

"Great! Ohoho! This is gonna be GREAT!"

"Now he's excited all of a sudden. This isn't a good sign..." Theodore sighed.

"Indeed it isn't." Simon muttered.

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