If It Isn't You

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Time was ticking, and that was never a good sign.

Jeanette Miller sighed as she paced around the bedroom she shared with her sisters. It was the evening before the dance, leaving exactly 24 hours before the day came. Brittany has gone out with a couple of friends, while Eleanor has gone out to do some "last minute shopping," as she had explained before she left in a hurry. No one seemed to be around. She tried going to the Seville household, but Dave had told her that all three of the boys were not home.

Strange, she had thought. Of course Alvin and Theodore were probably off watching another movie or something, but Simon? He hadn't been too thrilled about the idea of the dance, but perhaps he had gone out to finally buy something for it?

The thought of him made her cheeks warm up once more. Not now, Jean! She told herself.

Well if not now, then when? I can't wait around forever! I just need to reach a little further...

Jeanette shook her head as she decided to pull out her phone, putting on a playlist she had made for herself. Whenever she was alone, she usually liked to listen to music without headphones on. She felt more free and relaxed.

However, this certain song had quickly caught her attention.

I am reckless with my heart, with my words
I never really cared about the ones who didn't stick around

Jeanette sighed as she began tidying the room up a bit. There were so many thoughts swirling inside her mind, she hadn't even bothered cleaning up a bit.

But ever since you left, baby, I've been a mess
The stars in the sky don't shine as brightly

For some reason, her mind trailed back to Simon. For some reason, she felt sad that he hadn't been home? But why? Lately, she figured that she always felt a little nervous around the blue clad chipmunk, but why? She recalled having wanting to keep her crush on Simon a secret for a while now, knowing how brash Brittany can be when it comes to gossip.

But it's so hard to move on, when there's nobody like you
You're so special
And I don't wanna spend another day without you

Jeanette fixed the pillows from her bed as she turned back to the phone. The song was right. If these feelings persisted, there was no way to move on without hearing Simon's side. Now, how did he feel towards him? Sure, they had fun at the fair recently, and at the movies, but still... The others had been there too. But what if it had just been the two of them? Like an actual date?

"No..." she shook her head, "Simon is just a friend. I don't think he'd be the type to even engage in romance."

Plus, they were still young. There was so much to learn and experience when it came to love. Sure, some of the students at their school were in relationships, but some never lasted anyways. Plus, she knew Alvin would be chasing a girl every other week...

Maybe someday, there would be someone perfect for her. But for some reason, that thought just made her feel wrong?

I'd come back to you, back to you
I'd come back to you, to you
You know it's only you, only you
I don't want nobody If It Isn't You
If It Isn't You
If It Isn't You

If it wasn't Simon, then who? Jeanette looked out the window. However, she soon felt her heart pounding fast as a figure suddenly came into view. The chipette quickly neared the window, her eyes widening at the sight. Simon was walking back towards his house, a bag in hand.

Even the sight of her friend made her feel warm and jittery.

If It Isn't You
If It Isn't You
If It Isn't You
If It Isn't You
If It Isn't You
If It Isn't You

"If it isn't you, then who?" Jeanette sighed as she placed a hand on her cheek, sitting near the window. Simon was long gone now, so she peered out once more. She couldn't help but sigh. Maybe there was a small possibility that he liked her back? She hoped. It would honestly make things easier.

One things for sure, they were going to see each other at that dance tomorrow. Maybe something will spark between them? Things sure did get interesting when they were at the fair. Plus, they were literally in each other's arms back at the movies. What more can happen?

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