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The whole week flew by in the wink of an eye and at last it was Saturday! The Chipmunks and Chipettes had decided to meet in the afternoon at the Chipette's treehouse home.

The three guys were outside, waiting for the girls.

"What's taking them so long?" Alvin muttered, tapping his foot impatiently.

"'s only been 5 minutes since we've arrived..." Theodore stated.

"I'm sure the girls are just getting ready. You know how they are..." Simon reassured them.

"They're not wasting this precious time."


"Remind me again as to why we're wasting this precious time?!"

Brittany was pacing around the room, with Jeanette and Eleanor staring at her.

"Okay...don't panic! Nobody PANIC!"

"You're the only one panicking, Britt...." Eleanor said, obvious to everyone.


"Brittany please calm down...." Jeanette piped up, hoping her sister would finally come to her sense.

Brittany let out a sigh.

"Okay...let's just go out there and act natural!" She smiled.


At last, the girls stepped out of the house and greeted the boys.

"Hello boys!" Brittany waved to them.

"It's about time you three showed up!" Alvin stated.

"Well for your information, it's called being fashionably late!" She flipped her hair at him, making him glare at her.

"Why I oughta-"

"So! Heh...are we all ready to go?" Simon asked, interfering with the two. Alvin and Brittany could only glare at eachother.

"Sure..." They both answered in unison.


The 6 chipmunks had made it in line for the theater. Simon had bought them all a ticket (which Brittany kept commenting about, making Alvin slightly annoyed for some unknown reason hint hint). Soon they all made their way through the dark theater, with food in hand. They found some pretty good seats. Theodore took a seat, followed by Eleanor, Alvin, Brittany, Jeanette and Simon.

"Oh boy! I can't wait till it starts!" Theodore grinned as he began eating from his big bowl of popcorn.

"Just don't finish it all during the previews." Simon chuckled.

"Tell me again as to who chose this movie?" Brittany muttered.

"Oh Brittany I'm sure you'll like the movie!" Jeanette reassured her.

"Easy for you to say..." Brittany muttered.


Throughout the movie, Alvin and Brittany would get into small arguments about who was hogging the arm rest. It was getting restless. Theodore had eaten most of the popcorn, leaving the others with the candy and soda.
At one point, Jeanette would try to rest her arm on the armrest, resulting in her hand resting on top of Simon's own, since his was already there.

"O-Oh my goodness! I'm s-sorry!" She whispered to him, blushing madly. His facial expression was just about the same as hers.

"N-No! Don't worry about it! I-I-It was just an accident a-and-"

"Hey! Lovebirds! Keep it down will ya?" Alvin hissed, making the two brainiacs blush even more. Brittany sent her sister a slight smirk, which wasn't making it any better.

Simon whispered to Jeanette once more,

"You can have the armrest if you want." He smiled as he removed his hand from it. Jeanette felt a pang of guilt.

" had it first...."

"But I insist!"

"Simon no..." She lightly chuckled.

"I think we can compromise on this..." He placed his hand back on the rest and motioned her to place her own hand back on top of his own.

"Is this better?" He asked.

"But doesn't it hurt?" She asked.

" long as you're satisfied, then I am too..." He grinned.


She smiled back as they both focused back to the movie.

Eleanor had witnessed their whole conversation and grinned.

"If only everyone were as adorable as those two nerds..."

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