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"Hm? So you're still in need of my help?"

The Chipettes and Alvin were at the mall's food court. After about 3 hours of carrying the Chipettes' shopping bags (which were mainly Brittany's), they decided to finish the shopping and have lunch. While Jeanette and Eleanor were ordering their meals, Alvin and Brittany had found a table for them in the far corner. They already had their meals so they were only waiting for the girls.

Alvin had explained to Brittany about Simon's refusal to attend the dance.

"Normally, I wouldn't come to you this often...but this is Simon we're talking about!" He exclaimed.

"Good point..." She nodded, taking a sip from her drink.

"I just can't believe he doesn't want to! I mean, he went last year!" Alvin pondered to himself.

"Well I mean, last year's dance wasn't really at all great..." Brittany muttered.

"Mainly because Bo Carter was showing off as usual..." Alvin and Brittany agreed.

Their classmate, Bo Carter, had a tendency to be a bit of a show off. Especially due to the fact that his father was basically rich... Last year, he made a big deal about his attire for the dance.

At last, Alvin shook his head, irritated. "Let's forget about him! We need to focus on Simon!"

"Right right..." Brittany cleared her throat and sat up straight.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Okay. So here's the thing." Alvin began, "I need you to find out what Marina has planned for tomorrow. Perhaps it might interest Simon...or perhaps it won't... But here's something extra! I was kinda thinking of setting him up with someone. You know...like a date!"

"A date huh?..." Brittany began to smirk, already liking the sound of the idea. Surprisingly...

"Well I mean, you don't have to find him a-"

"No no! I'll make sure he gets one!" She triumphantly stayed.

"Really? Well I mean, make sure it's not with Jenny. Because between you and me, I was planning on asking her before Derek does!"

"Oh is that so?" Brittany asked innocently, showing no hint of jealousy whatsoever. However, internally she was steaming.

"Yup! Well anyways, do you think you could help?"

"I'll do anything for Simon's sake! He's helped me a lot, so it's time I replayed him." She nodded.


The next day at school, the students were gathered in the auditorium, where it was set up as a runway. There were many decorations, lights, and of course, the outfits! However, they were currently being covered until Marina makes the unveiling.

Ms. Smith's students were seated in the auditorium, talking excitedly amongst each other. The Chipmunks and Chipettes were seated in the very first row.

"Ooh! This is so exciting!" Brittany squealed in delight, awaiting for Marina.

"Yeah! I mean normally I would have just worn my normal clothes to the dance, but hey! I'm sure I'll find something good in here." Alvin smirked, earning a sigh from Simon."

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