How to Win Her Heart

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After that whole gig, the Chipmunks and Chipettes had spent some time ridding on a couple of rides (with a couple of refusals from Simon), playing some games in the arcade, and even performing another song! Eventually, it came time for the Hot Dog eating contest, which Alvin was ready for.

"Wish me luck you guys!" He grinned, patting his stomach.

"You're going to need it..." Simon muttered, smirking.

"What do you even win?" Brittany asked with the least bit of interest.

"Uh...I'm not sure yet. They'll announce it after it's done though! So you're all welcome to come over and cheer me on." He winked, making Brittany let out a scoff.

"As if..." She muttered until her gaze met a certain group of people's. It was the popular girls from school.

"Oh! It's Jenny and the others! I'll meet you guys back here in a while!" Before anyone could detest the idea, Brittany was long gone, already chatting with the other girls.

"Don't tell me I was the only one who was expecting this?" Eleanor asked, earning murmurs of agreement from the others.

"Well I'm off to eat some hot dogs now!" Alvin waved, beginning to walk off.

"Oh! Alvin wait for me! I want a hot dog too!" Theodore called out, running after him. The other three could only shrug.

"I think this is something I want to see!" Eleanor smirked, referring to the guys stuffing their faces, possibly getting a stomach ache. "Are you two coming?"

"I'd rather not..." Simon declined, knowing it would be his responsibility if a sort of accident were to occur.

"Me neither...seeing other people nauseous might make me feel sick too..." Jeanette whispered over to her sister, who nodded. However, Eleanor's face soon turned into a smirk.

"Well okay then! Have fun you two! But not too much fun..." She chuckled, running after the boys. Her words left Simon in a state of embarrassment, making his cheeks turn red.

"Huh...I wonder what she meant by that?..." Jeanette wondered, oblivious.

"What do you think Simon?....Simon?"

"H-Huh? What? Oh! Uh...I-I'm sure it's nothing!" He lied, nervously chuckling.

"Oh should we do?" Jeanette asked, smiling.

"Well...I have a couple of suggestions. But it's all up to you!" He grinned as they began towards the boardwalk.


"Theodore I can't believe you decided to enter the contest too!"

"What? It's free hot dogs!"

As soon as the three had arrived over to where the contest was being held, Theodore had decided to enter last minute (as soon as Eleanor had informed him that the hot dogs were all free). Alvin had cursed Eleanor's name as they all stepped up on stage and taken their seats. Derek was on the far left, followed by Alvin, Theodore, and 7 other competitors. Eleanor was all the way in the front of the audience. Surprisingly, there was a lot of people gathered there just to watch the competition. Derek turned to face Alvin.

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