The Plan

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As soon as the school day was over, the Chipmunks were on their way towards the front of the school, where Dave was waiting for them. The three were talking amongst themselves, a little argument beginning to brew...

"I can't believe out of EVERYTHING that was in there, you chose some dorky looking suit!" Alvin exclaimed, eyeing the taller brother. Simon could only glare at him in return.

"Look, I didn't want to be rude! Besides, I've said this like a million times, I'm not going!" Simon crossed his arms.

"I thought it was a nice suit..." Theodore sheepishly grinned, trying to soften the conversation.

"See? He agrees with me!" Simon huffed.

"Whatever." Alvin muttered.

"But seriously! Why don't you want to go?! It's just one night!"

"I told you, what's the point in going? Unless it was some sort of mandatory event that requires my presence, then there's no need for me to be there." With that, Simon and Theodore walked ahead, reaching the car. Alvin replayed his words in his head for a moment, an idea beginning to form.

"Unless it was some sort of mandatory event that requires my presence..."

That's it! Alvin grinned as he caught up with his brothers. He was going to have a chat with a certain someone later...


"So you finally found a way for him to go, huh?"

Brittany asked into her phone as he used her free hand to file her nails. She was laying on her bed, talking to Alvin about his "master plan."

"Yup! This is surely gonna make him have to go! It just has to! You see, he was telling me about how he'd go if it was mandatory- whatever that means...but I think I found a way for him to go!"

"Oh? Do tell..." Brittany added.

"Well, get this! You know how the dance committee needs some more entertainment?"


"Well, what if we can get the principal to ask Dave to help out with that! You know, get him a gig!"

"Hmm...I think that could work...I could always call her in a bit, me being her assistant and all..." Brittany thought for a moment. If Dave was given the job, he'd surely have the Chipmunks perform at the dance! Then all 3 would have to be there for sure!

"What's in it for me?" Brittany couldn't help but ask. If she was going to do this, she obviously expected something in return. Especially since this was Alvin she was talking to.

"What's better than performing along with us? I'm pretty sure Dave is gonna ask you guys anyways." Alvin simply stated, knowing how close the Chipettes were with Dave.

"Splendid!" She smirked. "I guess we have a deal then. I'll talk to you later!"

With that, she ended the call with a smile on her face.

"Brittany? Who were you talking to?"

The Chipette turned to face Jeanette, who was standing by the doorway with a book in hand.

"Oh! Uh...just a friend.." She grinned.

"Really? You sounded really excited while talking to he or she.." Jeanette raised a brow in suspicion.

"Oh you know me, Jean. It's just the usual juicy gossip. You know? Oh but don't worry! It's nothing about you." Brittany reassured as she used a hand to shoo her off.

"Okay then.." With that, Jeanette placed the book on her own bed and picked up a small purple purse hanging by the bed.

"I'm going over to Ms. Millers."

"Okay see ya later, sis.." Brittany muttered as she scrolled through her phone's contacts, looking for the principal's number. As soon as Jeanette left, she dialed the number and waited for her to pick up.


"Principal Perkins? This is Brittany. I think I may have found the solution to our current problem..."


Hey!! It's been so long now XD I'm on my summer break, and I'm going to start college really soon as well.. I'll try to update as soon as possible! I wanna thank you guys for all the positive feedback! It keeps me motivated to continue this story. I'm so glad y'all like it! C:

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