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"Ugh! I can't believe you dragged us into this, Si!"

The Chipmunks were currently by their lockers, grabbing their things. It was the end of the day so it was time to leave. Simon looked out from his locker and raised a brow at his brother.

"Consider this as a way to help your community." He stated as he resumed in taking out his belongings.

"H-Helping the community- Simon! I don't have time for that! I told Jenny I was gonna go to her party tonight! Not to mention that all her friends are gonna be there too!" Alvin complained, not making things better for Simon.

"Ugh! It's only about 2 hours of your time! If you really don't want to go, then fine! While you go out and waste your time, I'll be making the world a better place!" Simon closed his locker door and stormed away, obviously not too happy at Alvin's decision. Alvin rolled his eyes after him.

"Sheesh...its not like it's gonna help..."

"What's not gonna help?"

Alvin perked up and quickly turned around, to find Brittany and Eleanor coming his way.

"Oh, it's just Simon and his "I'm going to make the world a better place" time of the month."

"Uh...what?" Eleanor raised a brow.

"He's just going to another one of those beach cleanups with the Environmental Club. I mean, why bother?" Alvin remarked.

"Oh that?" Brittany scrunched her face up. "Jeanette is going to that thing too. And right after I told her that we were going to go shopping!" She huffed.

"Oh really? That's a shame..." Alvin sarcastically commented. Eleanor then looked around.

"So where is he anyway?" She asked.

"He just dramatically made his exit." Alvin pointed to the door behind him, still annoyed at his brother's earlier exclamation.

Brittany pondered for a moment until and idea stuck into her head.

"Hey! Why don't you-"

"No." Alvin quickly said as he closed his own locker and began to walk away. Brittany however, walked after him.

"B-But you didn't even hear my idea!"

"I can already tell as to what it is, and the answer is no." Alvin began to say, ignoring her pleas. Finally, she stopped in her tracks and sighed.

"Well alright! I guess I won't get those new shoes that you've been wanting-"

"Say WHAT?!" Alvin immediately turned around at the sound of the word, "shoes."

"Yeah...you could have gotten those new shoes! Bummer..." Brittany gave him a smug smile as she began to walk the opposite direction. Eleanor shook her head. She knew what her sister was up to, and it didn't seem like it was going to end well. Eleanor then walked behind her sister.

"What?! Britt wait! I'll do anything!"Alvin then began to run up to them.
Meanwhile, Simon had just made his exit, still upset.

"I can't believe be decided to go to that party instead..."

He then sighed.

"Now now...I should have expected this...yeah! It was so obvious to begin with!"
Simon was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Derek coming at his direction. Suddenly, he made contact with his leg and was knocked to the floor.

"Oof!" Simon rubbed his head and looked up. His eyes widened at the sight of the school bully, and he didn't look too happy either...

"Hey! Watch where you're going, runt!" Derek angrily exclaimed.

"Now Derek," Simon nervously grinned as he stood up to his feet, "there's no need to get hasty! I-It was just an accident-"

"An accident you say?" Derek raised a brow and gave him a smug look, cracking his fists.
"We'll see if this is an accident!"

Simon was confused for a second until he realized what the taller boy meant. He quickly began to run back into the building, scared for his life.

"Hey! Get back here!" Derek laughed and ran after him.

Author's Note: Heyo! Sorry for the short chapter! School has been keeping me really busy and I want this story to flow correctly. Meaning, I just don't want to be excessively posting short chapters 😂

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