Chapter 10

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Recap from Chapter 9:

“I’m nice to everyone. Just because my mom hates you doesn’t mean I have to.” She replied, looking sort of British when they drink tea. Pinkies up!

“How did you know that?”

“Well, whenever you are near each other, you look like a lion and a snake.”

We laughed. It was true, a good comparison.

“On a totally unrelated topic, are you partially British?” I asked her. 

“1/4 from my father’s side.” 

“Lucky you!”

“That’s what everyone tells me.”

I stuck my tongue out at her. She was practically rubbing it in my face. Every few minutes before Kim closed the curtain, I would look out the window, into Jack’s window. 

“Stop that!” She yelled at me, throwing a pillow at me. It hit me square in the face.

“Oh, it’s on!” I screamed, before grabbing a pillow and running at her. We got into an all-out pillow fight smackdown. 

We ended up pillow-fighting over who got to sleep on the top bunk. She eventually let me, because she stepped on the curtain and it flew up, revealing Jack and Jane, making out. Kim quickly pulled it back down and let me sleep on the top bunk. Yeah, I win. Yes!

We woke up the next morning with serious headaches and feathers everywhere. Last night memories came back into my mind. Kimberly left before Angel checked her room. Wait, where was Angel? I hadn’t seen her in the last week. 

“Angel?” I knocked on her door, as it flung open, making me fall inside.

“Yes? I’m Mikel, Angel’s boyfriend. Have you seen her recently, like ... in the past week?” He asked me, after politely giving me a hand and introducing himself. Wow, he is probably a good boyfriend. Angel is lucky to have him.


“I’m sorry for not apologizing first. Who are you exactly?” Mikel asked me, handing me a cup of tea. Angel’s bedroom was huge. She probably took up half of the sorority. Her walls were snow white, and sparkles drifted as though it was snowing.

“Angel used to live in Canada, so she likes the room being snowy and comfortable.” He noticed me off-guard. Crap!

“I am Alex Conley, freshman.” I replied, looking to the bed. It was a large king-sized bed, covered in a white fluffy blanket and snow white pillows at the front and end of the bed. There was a laptop on the end of the bed. 

There was two beeps over the announcement speaker system, which I didn’t even know we had until right now. Angel’s voice came on.

“Mikel, please report to the President’s office. NOW!” Angel screamed, as Mikel walked out of the white snowy room and down the hall. Angel was acting weird, as she never usually screamed at her boyfriend. Just hope I am not called. 

I went back to my room, lying down on the bed, falling asleep. Great, what happened today? I wondered about what else was going to occur. 

The next day was merely uneventful, besides finding my boyfriend (I mean ex-boyfriend), kissing the Jane chic, who supposedly “moved” into the Goddess Girls Sorority and kicked out the other Jane, the nice one. She was in the room, three floors down, which was great, so I can’t hear her pathetic love speeches to Jack.

Jack was a guy I could trust. Emphasize the could please! I thought he was better than this. He was perfect, before ... Oh my gosh!

I rushed down the hall, freshly painted with signs saying “Wet Paint!”, and banged on Kimberly’s door. She let me in, and the great talk of the century began. 

“It’s your mom, Ms. Vlaydon, making my boyfriend go crazy.” I commanded, sending her shying away from me. Of course, she wouldn’t know. I ran out of her room, leaving her cowering in a corner. I shouldn’t have been mean to her.

Guess who I ran into on my way to Ms. Vlaydon’s office?

Angel and her posse of psychos (currently). She placed her left hand on her hip, leaning up against the nearest door to my left. I know, very confusing. 

“Where are you going, Alexandria?” She asked in a smut tone, giving me the eye roll. Luckily, holding a slip of paper, I dodged her and ran to the office. Hey, 2 years of cheerleading and 3 years of track actually paid off. 

I walked into the office, smoothly, casually, as if nothing was wrong. Something was terribly wrong, though. The senior girls were screaming at their boyfriends. Jack and Jane were back together. Emily had left, and the nice Jane had been kicked out of the sorority. Suddenly, it all became so clear. 

Jane had obviously made a deal with Ms. Vlaydon, to take over the school of her dreams. Jane must be putting the spell twice as heavy on Jack, because he loves me. Ms. Vlaydon must have saved the lives of the senior girls. Maybe they were about paint off their nail with nail polish. Haha. Tragedy (sarcastic). 

I walked back into the dorm, with a big geeky smile on my face. Have you ever seen that movie Inkheart? Well, if dark magic is real, shouldn’t there be some knight in shining white magic to come save the day? Man, I have been reading way too many fantasy books on Wattpad.

I ran into my room, when I noticed Angel and her cliche posse walking down the hall. I shut the door, breathing heavily as I heard the clicks of shiny pink heels, growing louder and louder with each click. Time to write, I thought to myself, pulling out my laptop. I pulled up Wattpad, clicking a new story and writing “Perfect College”. It was time. 

Chapter 1

Angel’s POV

I knocked on the door of a freshman, “Alex Conley”, and when she answered, I handed her a packet of birthday money. It contained 100,000 dollars. She gasped, taking the money without further hesitation. I walked down 3 flights of stairs and knocked on the door of Jane, another freshman. She answered and I kicked her in the face, making her nose bleed. The police came and took her to jail. 

Then there was the moment of truth, Save and Publish. I clicked the button, that lit up the ‘Published’ button green. At that moment, my door was knocked on. I ran to the door, to see Angel, holding an envelope. 

All’s fair in love and war. 

Angel handed it to me, and I took it without hesitation. Inside was $100,000, just like in the book. Angel left and after a little bit, I heard screaming and sirens, most sounding like Jane, being overdosed in pain. Don’t steal my man. 

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