When I get back into the club, Perrie is there with a drink in her hand and nobody else around her.
My body is filled with adrenalin and I am unable to control my mind, only the feeling of passion controls me and my actions.
And before I can think about what I'm doing, I kiss Perrie Edwards.
I can feel her surprise, and mine too really, as she freezes against my touch.
My heart breaks, then heals when she starts kissing me back. Now that I have felt her, now that I have tasted her, I can't hold back or stop any longer.
But my thoughts are cut short as Perrie puts her hands on my shoulders and pulls away from the kiss.
"Why... Why did you do that?" Perrie chokes out, surprise and confusion screaming out from behind her eyes.
Shit, I have no idea what to say. I don't even know why I kissed her!
I stay silent for a few seconds, thinking of what to say. "Because..." I start. "I don't know..."
Perrie is still shell-shocked, opening her mouth and closing it again like a fish as she tries to find something to say.
"Are you... Are you drunk?" She questions, looking into my eyes.
I lose my train of thought as she stares into my eyes. I'm obviously extremely drunk so I just nod.
An emotion I can't recognize flashes in her eyes and she takes my hand, dragging me away. We go all the way to the other side of the club and Katherine is there.
"What happened?" Katherine asks, looking over at me then back at Perrie.
"I'll tell you later. We have to go. You can stay here if you want, I'm gonna take Leigh to her flat." Perrie tells her.
"Okay, I'm going to stay here." Katherine replies. Perrie nods and we go outside, still holding hands.
There are a few paps outside, we smile and get into a taxi. Perrie tells the driver my address and we are on our way. Good thing my house is close by.
Perrie seems to be lost in thought, but I can't think at all.
"How much did you drink?" I ask, she doesn't seem drunk.
"Just a bit, not half as much as you," she should be laughing or giggling at what she just said. I mean, that's usually what she does.
But she doesn't laugh at all, she doesn't show any emotion. She seems... drained?
I shake these weird thoughts out of my head and pretend nothing is wrong as the taxi stops in front of my building. We pay and go into the building hand in hand.
"I'm sorry," I choke out after we've sat down in my flat and I've had a glass of water.
Perrie seems taken aback by my apology. "About what?" She's playing dumb, or I didn't do what I think I did.
"I'm sorry about the kiss." She stays silent for what feels like forever. "We can stay just friends... Unless you have feelings for me..?" I look down to the floor after my words, embarrassed that I've said something like that.
"What-What do you mean?" Perrie asks, looking confused.
"Don't make me say it," I plead. "I like you. That's why I kissed you."
I close my eyes and hope for the best, waiting for her to say something. Anything.
"I have to think this over. I need some time to think..." She says, her brows furrowed.
I nod, looking back up at her. I take a drink of my water, today has been a long day.
What was she thinking?
Why did she kiss me?
Does she actually have feelings for me?
How do I respond to this information?
Do I like her back?
And most importantly, Why did I enjoy the kiss?My mind is filled with questions like this, spinning and swirling around as I look at Leigh-Anne's drunk state.
It's been a long day and it's quite late in the night for me to answer all of these questions.
I decide to stay the night and talk with Leigh in the morning. We're on break so it won't be a problem. But first I need to inform Katherine.
" hey, I'm gonna stay at Leigh's place for the night. ttyl "
That's enough, right? Now to tell Leigh-Anne, I'm sure she'll be fine with it.
"Leigh, is it okay if I stay the night here?" I ask, looking back at her.
"Yeah, sure, we can sleep in my bed, if that's okay with you," she stutters. "Because I really don't want to make the couch into a bed and all that."
"It's fine, I don't want to deal with that either. I'm really sleepy." I tell her, yawning.
We both go to her bedroom and she gives me some extra pyjamas. Good thing our clothing sizes are nearly the same. After we both get changed and ready for bed, we close the light and climb in.
But I can't seem to sleep, thinking and over-thinking the events that happened today.
Yay we have two different points of view and some new drama! I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote, comment and share! :)

FanfictionIt all started with a sleepless night... » formerly known as playground // lerrie «