14 » wink

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My heart was beating so fast at the studio with the producers and now I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Now," Jesy says once we're in the car. "We have some free time but we have to get at least some writing done today."

"Let's go over to my place," Jade suggests. "Danielle is overseas so she isn't home."

"Yeah, that's fine for me," Leigh says and I nod.

"Okay, then! It's settled." Jade tells the driver where to drop us off and we're in front of her building in no time.

We sit on cushions and blankets on the floor of the living room with Leigh on my right and Jade on my left and Jesy across from me in a square. We all have our notebooks out and we have some drinks and snacks laid out between us.

We write new material, do some brainstorming and soon enough the environment has turned into a sleepover.

When it gets dark out, we bring out some cocktails and start talking.

"So," Jesy starts, with a twinkle in her eye. "How did you two get together?"

I start thinking. "How did we get together?" I ask Leigh, looking over at her.

"That kiss at the club?" Leigh reminds me.

"Oh... That! That's probably how," I gesture for her to tell the story.

"Well, we were at a club with Perrie, Katherine and I," she starts. "And I had had a few drinks, I was nearly drunk. Something inside me twitched and when I saw Perrie, I kissed her right on the mouth!" She explains.

"We were both really confused, and so we went to Leigh-Anne's place and tried to figure it out. But it was late, we were both tired and Leigh was drunk so we went to sleep and decided to figure it out tomorrow. I spent the night thinking about it and in the morning, I had made my decision. So we talked over it, and it just went on from there." I lean my head on Leigh's shoulder and she kisses my hair.

"This is going to take a bit to get used to," Jade says.

"But you two are so cute!" Jesy remarks, nodding.

I snuggle into Leigh-Anne and close my eyes, just thinking of my blessings. My dream job, my healthy and happy family, my loving and trustworthy friends, my amazing fans, the best girl I could ever ask for. Life is perfect.

» » »

"Perrie," a voice whispers into my ear. Leigh.

I open my eyes and notice my head is on her lap. I get up quickly and look around, we're still in Jade's living room but Jade and Jesy aren't here. It's just us.

"What happened?" I ask in a daze.

"You fell asleep while we were writing," she explains.

"What time is it?"

"Twenty past seven." She replies, looking at her watch. "The girls went out to get some food just now."

"Okay," I nod. "Were you guys able to write anything?"

She shakes her head. "Not really, we just threw some ideas out and looked at the material from before. We mostly just talked."

"Ooh, what'd y'all talk about?" I nudge her, winking.

"Oh you know, just about us..." She says in a small voice. "And music, pets... You know, all that stuff." She adds in a louder voice.

"Gossiping, eh? What'd you say?"

"That I really like you and I'm really happy," she says, kissing my cheek. "That I think you're the most perfect girl I've ever met."

"Did you talk about how much I like you and how I'm also very happy with you and that I know you are the most perfect, most beautiful, smart, loving, sexy..." I trail off in a whisper, slowly inching my lips toward hers.

Our lips meet and soon enough, I'm on Leigh's lap and our hands are all over each other.

Right at that moment, the door to the apartment opens and Jade and Jesy walk in, laughing about something they were talking about. Their eyes move to us and we are caught red handed.

"Oh," says Jade. "Did we interrupt something..." They both laugh softly as we pull apart from each other.

"We were just..." I trail off, not finishing my sentence. I mean, what do you even say in a situation like this?

"Well, anyway, we brought food!" Jesy changes the subject as they bring the food over to us and sit down.

Between eating the food and talking with the girls, I catch Leigh's wink.

» » »

Hope y'all liked that! I've been working on a Harry Potter fanfic and I'm slowly getting bored of this story so this chapter might be off but don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow me for more updates! ilysm

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