Chapter 10

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Ginny: Hermione came bursting into Gryffindor tower with a panicked look on her face. She spotted me in my usual arm chair by the fire and hurried over.
"Ginny, this is bad."
I looked at her, startled. "What's bad?"I asked, but she just paced back and forth, murmering to herself.
"Hermione!" I shouted. She stopped and looked at me. "What's bad?" I repeated. She took a deep breath and sat down.
"I saw Ron by the library and we started talking and then the yule ball came up. He asked if you were going with anyone so I asked why he wanted to know," she took another breath, "and then he said Harry wants to ask you!" Hermione looked at me with the same look of panic, "He went to get Harry!"
I sat there frozen. "Are they coming right now? What am I going to say??"
Hermione didn't have time to answer because at that moment Harry and Ron crawled through the portrait hole. Harry walked up to his dormitory and Ron came over to sit with us. I looked over at Hermione and mouthed "well?" but she just shrugged and picked up a book and started to read. Finally, Ron spoke.
"So, Ginny, are you with anyone to the yule ball?"
"Well, um, I actually," I stammered, picking my words carefully, "I actually wasn't planning on going."
"What?" Ron asked, surprised, "really?"
I slowly nodded.
"Oh" was all he said before he went to join Harry.
I groaned after he had left.
"I feel awful, Hermione."
"I'd like to say something comforting, but honestly, Gin?"
She looked at me with a sorry look on her face, "I don't know how you're going to pull this off."
I sighed. "Well, what's life without a little risk?" I tried to sound confident, but really,
I was a nervous wreck.

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