Chapter 8

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Ginny: I sat in an armchair in the Gryffindor common room warming my hands by the fire. My cheeks were red from the cold and my feet were numb. Hermione walked in and sat down next to me. "Hey Gin," she said. "Hey," I replied. "Did you go to hogsmead?" she asked. "Ya, I was in the three broomsticks." "Oh ok, I didn't see you," she said, and then she smiled. "Were you with Draco?" I blushed. "I, well, uh," I stammered. Hermione laughed. "I knew it. So, what'd you guys do?" "Well, after the three broomsticks, we walked around a little." "Cool," Hermione said, as Ron and Harry walked in. "Hey Ginny. We didn't see you at hogsmeade." Ron said. "Oh, well, I was there," I said, too lazy to come up with a good excuse. "Oh, cool." Ron said. "Wait till you see what Harry and I got." They dumped their pockets out and showed us all of the sweets they got. We spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and talking and eating our way through the sweets.

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