Chapter 11

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Draco: I was pacing back and forth in my common room and glanced at myself in the mirror every few seconds. My hands were stuffed deeply into my dress robes and my head was spinning. Every time I heard a door slam I would jump, and then would scold myself for being so nervous. I sat on my bed and smoothed out my robes.
Why did you think this was a good idea? I asked myself. Everyone's going to find out as soon as you show up to the ball with her.
Not unless you keep it a secret, a little voice inside my head said.
But how, idiot? You'll be out there in the open with everyone staring at you, I reminded myself stupidly. I angrily pulled on my socks and dress shoes but my expression softened when I remembered I'd be seeing Ginny in a few minutes.
I was making my way down to the great hall when I heard "psst, Draco!" I looked around and when I couldn't see anyone and convinced myself that I was just hearing things, I continued to walk.
"PSST. Draco!" I heard a little louder this time. "Over here!" I noticed a suit of armor to my left rattle a bit, and then I realized someone was behind it. Ginny came crawling out from behind it. She stood up and straightened out her long, black sleeveless dress. She met my eyes and beamed.
"Ginny, I-" I couldn't find the right words, "you look... absolutely beautiful."
She brushed a curl that had escaped from the bun on top of her head away from her face and smiled a bit more.
"Thanks. You look really great too."
I looked back at the suit of armor, "so, uh, why were you hiding behind that?" I asked as we awkwardly looked at each other and then looked away.
"Well, we're not exactly, you know... Ron... he could..."
"Yeah... I- I know," I said, remembering again what could happen if we were spotted with each other.
"I don't know how this is going to work," Ginny said quietly, speaking for the both of us. I nodded, not knowing what to say.
"I mean, if everyone's going down to the ball, we could hang out somewhere else."
"Like where?"
"Maybe the Slytherin common room? I doubt anyone would find us there. They all went to the ball."
Ginny's eyes bulged. "Draco! I- I can't go in there! I'd be expelled!"
"No you wouldn't, we wouldn't get caught."
I watched the hesitation on Ginny's face before she finally sighed and quietly said, "all right."
I took Ginny's hand as we carefully made our way to the Slytherin common room. Ginny stopped as soon as we made it to the door.
"I- I have an idea. I'll be right back."
She turned around and headed the other way.
10 minutes had passed and I started to think that this was a prank, and Ginny had gone to the great hall. She was probably laughing about it now with Hermione. I angrily muttered "pureblood" and the door swung open as I heard "Draco, wait!" I turned and saw Ginny running towards me with something folded in her arms. She held it out in front of her after she caught up with me.
"I thought we could use this, just in case we get close to being caught," she breathed, her chest heaving up and down.
"I knew Potter had one! That explains so much! I knew it!" I exclaimed excitedly.
"Yes, and I'm sure Harry won't mind if I borrowed it," Ginny said, her eyes narrowing. I avoided her gaze and took her up to my dormitory. I noticed her shivering as we sat down on my bed. I drew the curtains of my four- poster for good measure. Ginny stopped shivering.
"Man I should have brought a change of clothes. The dungeons are freezing."
"You can wear my sweatshirt if you want," I offered.
"Really? I would love that," Ginny said. She started to pull off her dress.
"Uh..." I started quietly, "I can get out so you can-"
"What? Oh- OH. No, it's ok, I'm wearing jeans under this," Ginny laughed. I handed her my sweatshirt and she pulled it over her head. After awkwardly changing in front of her, We both layed down and I cautiously put my arm around her, breathing a little more easily as she let me.
"What happens when everyone starts coming in to sleep?" Ginny asked.
"Well since my curtains are drawn, they all know better than to disturb me. We'll be fine, Ginny." I tried to sound reassuring, but even I had my doubts.
"It's funny," Ginny laughed, as she sat up, "I didn't imagine the ball to be anything like this."
I laughed along with her. "In a way, this is kind of better."
"Yeah it is. I-" She stopped talking and I realized she had noticed my eyes flicker down toward her lips.
Our eyes met and I knew we were both thinking the same thing.
A million questions flooded my brain as I leaned in and Ginny closed her eyes. What would all of the Slytherins think when they find out I had kissed a Gryffindor? What would Ron do? What would my dad do? But as soon as my lips touched Ginny's soft ones, she was the only thing that mattered.
For the rest of the night, my hands and lips would find somewhere else to touch on her soft body; her back, her hair, and then back to her lips. As the dungeons got colder it was an excuse to get closer to each other, and we would only stop when we heard footsteps, but luckily whenever that happened our stifled giggles were never heard from my fellow Slytherins.
It was well into the night before Ginny finally curled her tiny body up to mine as she closed her eyes while I stroked her hair. It wasn't until I was sure that the last Slytherin was asleep that I too closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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