Chapter 3

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Draco: I woke up the next morning on a bright sunny day. I gathered my books and made my way down to the great hall when I saw her. There was no mistaking that flaming red hair. Then she turned around slowly. I stood there staring at her when she lifted her arm and waved. I was paralyzed. I lifted my arm and was about to wave when Potter, Granger and Weasley ran up to her from behind me. I just stood there with my arm up and I quickly put it down. I was embarrased. "Who are you staring at Draco?" Goyle asked. I quickly looked away from her. "No one," I lied. "Were you staring at that girl over there?" Crabbe nodded in Ginny's direction. "No!" I snapped. I saw their surprised faces so I added. "Just forget about it." I left them and walked to the great hall by myself...⚯͛

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