Chapter 4

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5 years later

Ginny: I was sitting in transfiguration listening to Professor Mcgonagall. She was talking about the upcoming yule ball. I still didn't know who I wanted to go with. When class ended, I walked down the hall and around a corner. I ran into someone and all of my books tumbled to the floor. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see-," looked up and saw Malfoy. "Oh, it's you." I said. He was about to say something when Hermione came around the corner. "Hey Ginny," she said. She stopped when she saw me and Malfoy. I quickly got up and walked over to her. She looked puzzled. "What were you guys donig over there?" "Oh nothing. I just accidentally ran into him." "Oh," she said. "Did you hear about the yule ball?" "Ya, I'm so excited," I replied. We walked to the great hall for dinner. After dinner, I went up to Gryffindor tower and into my dormitory. I walked into the room and my eyes fell on a book on my bed. I walked over to it and sat on my bed. As I opened the book a note fell out. It said:


Meet me by the astronomy tower at midnight.


I read the note again. Why would he want to meet me? I thought. I layed in bed and waited for everyone to fall asleep with the note clutched in my hand...⚯͛

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