Chapter 5

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Draco: I lay in bed pretending to sleep as all the other guys fell asleep. I got up as quietly as possible. I snuck upstairs and made my way to the astronomy tower. I sat on the first step and waited. Then a thought occured to me. What if she doesn't even come? Then I heard a noise. I held my breath and didn't move. A dark figure came up beside me. "Draco, it's me," it said. It was Ginny. "Come on," I whispered. We tiptoed up the steps and into the tower. "So, what'd you want?" Ginny asked me. I looked at her for a second, confused. "Oh," I started. "I wanted to know if you'd-," but I was cut off. I heard a voice coming up the stairs. It was Filch. I looked at Ginny. She was as white as a ghost. "If Filch catches us..." Her voice trailed off. "He wont," I assured her. I grabbed her hand and opened the door. By some miraculous reason, we crept past Filch and sprinted down the hall. We hurried into an empty classroom, trying to catch our breaths. "I can't believe we got past Filch." Ginny panted. "I know," I said. We looked at each other. Ginny blushed and looked away. It was quiet for a few minutes when she said, "So, what'd you want to ask me?" I sighed. I couldn't back out of it now. I looked into her brown eyes. "I wanted to know if... you'd want to go to the ball with me." She looked at me shocked. "Are you serious?" She asked. I nodded. She studied my face as if I were pulling a prank. Then she finally said, "Ok, I'll go with you." I could hardly believe it. "Oh, um, cool, ok," I stammered. "Uh, do you want me to walk you to Gryffindor tower?" I finished lamely. "I think I'll manage," she said. Then she smiled. "Goodnight, Draco," and she walked back to Gryffindor tower...⚯͛

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