Chapter 2

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Ginny: I was almost bursting by the time we got into hogwarts. This is so exciting! I thought. I looked up and saw a black sky full of bright, twinkling stars. I was so amazed. "This is beautiful, isn't it?" a girl with blonde hair said. I looked at her surprised. "Ya, it is," I responded. "My name's Luna," the girl said. I smiled. "I'm Ginny," I said. "That's a pretty name,"

she said. I was about to say thanks when a professor with a long green cloak stood up and clapped her hands loudly. The great hall got silent. "Welcome, students, to another year at Hogwarts we welcome the first years especially. I am Professor Mcgonagall, the headmistress here at Hogwarts. We will begin the sorting ceremony soon." The great hall was filled with noise again, and I watched as Professor Mcgonagall brought out a stool with a dirty brown hat on it. So that's the sorting hat, I thought, remembering what Fred and George had told me about it. Professor Mcgonagall spoke again. "Now, when I call your name, you will sit here and put this hat on. The sorting hat will determine what house you're in," and she called up the first name. I watched eagerly as students were called up and sorted into different houses. Then she said "Luna Lovegood." "Good luck I whispered excitedly. Luna smiled. "Thanks." As she walked up I crossed my fingers and hoped she was in Gryffindor. That was the house I wanted to be in and I hoped we were together. I was a little dissapointed when the hat called out Ravenclaw. I clapped along with eveyone else as Luna sat down at the Ravenclaw table. Several more students were called and finally my name was called. I ran up to the stool and put the hat on my head. "Hmmm... and yet another Weasley. I see lots of courage and bravery... Gryffindor!" I smiled triumphantly as everyone clapped as I made my way to the Gryffindor table. I sat down and watched the last couple of students get sorted...⚯͛

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