Chapter 6

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Ginny: I woke up the next morning to the smell of sausages and other delicious smells. I got up and dressed and went down to the gryffindor commom room. Hermione was already there, reading a book. She looked up as I walked in. "Hey gin, where were you last night?" she asked. My face reddened. If she found out she would probably tell Ron and he would kill me. "Oh, um, I went to the bathroom." I lied. "Oh really? You were gone for like an hour." she said. An hour? It felt like 10 minutes. "I lost my potions book and had to go find it," I made up. "Oh," was all she said, and I could tell she wasn't convinced. "Let's go get breakfast," I said, changing the subject. Hermione got up and we walked to the great hall. After breakfast, I went back to the girls dormitories and my eyes landed on a book on my bed. As I picked up the book, a note fell out. I bent down an picked it up.
If you're not busy, meet me at the three broomsticks next week at 5.
I smiled as I read the note. He was so good at slipping notes in my books. All of a sudden, Hermione walked in. I tried to hide it, but Hermione's eyes landed right on the note as she walked in. "What's that?" she asked. "Oh, um, nothing." I said, feeling my face grow hot, but Hermione was already suspicious so she made a grab for the note and snatched it out of my hands. I watched Hermione's eyes widen as she read the note. She looked up at me after she read it. "Hermione," I started. "It's not what it looks like." "I knew it!" She practically screamed. "You and Malfoy are dating!" "What?! No we're not!" Hermione pointed at the note. "Come on Gin, I know there's something going on." I sighed. "Well, we're not dating, but he asked me to the yule ball." Hermione screamed but quickly covered her mouth. "Are you serious? That's so cute!" I got a worried look on my face. "Please don't tell anyone." "Don't worry. I wont," she assured me. I inhaled slowly. I wasn't sure how this would turn out.

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