The first day

18 1 4

Yeah, I'm writing another book that's probably not going to be updated for five months. But I had to. :D.

It should be good.

I mean Levi is going to be different, very different.

So if you want to find that out keep scrolling.


"Mom! Dad! I'm leaving in a few minutes!"

"Okay honey! Make sure you packed everything!"

Eren looked around his room, trying to find anything that he may have forgotten to pack.

He felt something nudge his foot and looked down to see his cat, "I'm sorry Izumi, I can't take you."

The white cat just meowed, "Okay buddy, one last cuddle."

Eren picked up the cat and cuddled it, "Hey, where's Ryouma? I need to cuddle him too."

As if on cue a black cat walk into Eren's room, "There you are! Come here boy!"

Eren picked up Ryouma as well and instantaneously Izumi started to purr and nudge Ryouma.

Ryouma purred in return and licked Izumi's furry head, "Oh you guys are too cute, I swear one day I'm going to have a cute attack!"

"You do realize that you saying two cats cuddling in your arms cute, is downright freaking adorable to me right?"

Eren was startled but looked to the door to see his mother Carla, "Oh hi mom, how long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to see my son being adorable!"

She smiled and walked over to Eren, bringing him into a hug which he wasn't prepared for, "Mom! The cats!"

"Oh whoops!" She quickly detached from Eren.

He sighed, "I pretty sure I have everything, if I don't then you'll see me sooner than expected."

Carla then had a very serious face, "Just make sure you stay safe, don't bring back too many boys to your dorm okay?"

Eren sighed, "Ugh, Mom, I'm always safe, and after Jean I don't know if I could ever love anyone again, especially a boy."

Carla frowned, "I told you he wasn't good for you and what do you do, you date him anyways."

"And I regret that decision to this day."

Carla sighed, "Buuuuut, that doesn't mean you can't bring one or two back with you."


Carla raised her hands, "Sorry, Sorry. It been three years Eren. You're twenty and you're extremely handsome. Is it that hard to find someone?"

Eren sat down on his bed and placed the cats that were now sleeping down on the bed next to him, "Its not that I can't find someone, I find many people attractive, it's just.."

"You don't want what happened with Jean to happen to you again."

Eren nodded slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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