Where it's Forbidden

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"You did what?" May looked at Calissa with horror " I can't believe you did something so foolish"

"It was my choice May to serve you - "

"-I'm not Elianna!" she yelled across the other room "Please stop it"

Gemma was calm as she poured tea, she gave her a reassuring smile "We know May" even when she knew that  May and Elianna are one person. She intends to keep it a secret until May was ready to face the truth.

"I felt weak and helpless" she replies then covered her face "I'm so sorry everyone please tell me she didn't kill anyone while I wasn't around" 

"It was a massacre my liege" Calissa replies brightly

Gemma and Debra glared at Calissa

"I mean it was a good kind of. . . massacre... wait that still sounds wrong." 

"Calissa enough" Debra mutters "You saved Calissa's family May, and it seems that Elianna killed one of the Facades that she used to know" 

"I have to go somewhere" May says slowly

"Where?" the three girls chorused

May puts on her robe "The Halls of Tibus" 

Gemma stood up and exchanged glances with Calissa and Debra "We're going with you"

The three girls rod a carriage to towards the Halls of Tibus. Calissa glances at May back and forth trying to figure out things on her head. Debra notices Calissa's demeanor and pokes her 

"Careful your eyes might pop out haha kidding she won't hurt you" she whispers

Calissa's eyes widened "No it's not that" she whispers back "Is it true that Elianna and May are like one person with different persona? May is so alive and full of radiance while Elianna is dreadfully dark and mysterious. I'm still not used to it! It's like Yin and Yang.So weird." 

Gemma spoke up "We should go separately. Me and May will enter the courtyard and mingle with the tourists and slip inside. Calissa and Debra can go to the main hall. There might be a chance we'll find the defects-"

"-I don't think I can kill any defects. . ." May interrupted

Gemma held her hand "We'll do it for you" 

there was a long painful silence.


Nuriel walks around the courtyard and sees Nathan talking to guests. He then senses a presence, he rushes into the maze and took out his sword slowly

"Don't get too excited" he hears a familiar voice and looks up and sees him sitting down on top of the decorative artifacts  "Lukas"

"Don't get too excited" he hears a familiar voice and looks up and sees him sitting down on top of the decorative artifacts  "Lukas"

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Lukas grinned and stretched his arms and jumped down gracefully "You take your job too seriously do you ever get tired?" he joked

"What are you doing here Lukas, aren't you suppose to be gathering useful information for May?" Nuriel says 

"I was going to visit her but she was not present at the moment"

"You're not making any sense" 

Lukas sighs "I'll be honest with you Nuriel because I'm a good guy. May is the girl I want now and she will always belong to me. Funny, it sounds like I cheated on my Fiancee but really, they're one person. Now. . . you need to be honest with me"

"If it's necessary" 

"Ah, a soldier who tries not to be moved with emotions... we'll play a fair game Nuriel" 

Lukas then bowed and went his way.


"Wow it still looks the same!" Calissa exasperated as she examines every statue nearby and then rushes back to the girls with excitement "I used to play here when I was a kid" then she looks at May with admiration. May tries to grin although she feels weird whenever Calissa stares at her with endearment 

" You guys play with plants and statues?" Debra mutters "You need to go visit our world"

"Me and my friends would talk about the mighty Facades!" she says wistfully "Especially the great Elianna who killed the Fire Wizard" 

"Whoa!" Debra exclaimed "What's Fire Wizard?" 

"He was called Toro Mez, he was evil and made alliance with the Dark Order.  Although he wasn't the official member, he was the most vile man ever to exist" Gemma spoke up " He's killed thousands but little did he know someone was more powerful than he was. The Elders had sent Elianna to put him to jail for his misdeeds and destroy his sources but he ends up getting killed in the process" 

May frowned " She's not a hero Calissa" 

"She was to us, the Fire Wizard was going to destroy our village Grecia but it didn't happen. May  sometimes we fight for different reasons, and people also see it differently too" 

then a guard greeted them "Welcome to the Halls of Tibus, please come this way"

they followed the lad to the huge courtyard, Gemma gave both Debra and Calissa the look. The two girls slipped inside the other private entrance.

The guard notices the two girls missing

"They needed to go the comfort room" Gemma smiles, showing her brilliant white teeth

"Ah, that's fine." he gulped, as he realized what she was. 

May and Gemma entered the courtyard. May immediately felt a strange force surrounding her. She gripped on Gemma's hand and hid her face 

"May? What's wrong?" she sees May blink twice and and for a second her pupils turned gold 

"She's.... she's trying to take over" May whispers "Gemma please don't let her . . ." 

Gemma took May's hand and rushed to the main hall where there are only a few people gathering "May look at me, let me see your face" she suddenly sees her skin glowing, like silver.

"May, don't let it in, fight it. You are not weak" Gemma encouraged her the suddenly the lights around them blew up. Then it stopped

"She's not ready" May whispers, then opened her eyes. It was gold and radiant 

"Elianna...." Gemma muttered scornfully 

"May? Gemma?" someone says

both girls turned, Gemma covered her mouth and whispered "Nuriel...".

Facade: The Untamed SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now