Body Swap

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Magnus held the spell book in his hand, chanting lowly. He was curious as to what it did, and he need something to help take his mind off him. Blue sparks were coming off his fingers, and in one last flick of the wrist, he suddenly felt nauseous and tried to reach out to steady himself. He grabbed onto something fleshy. “Alec?” He heard someone ask as he grabbed his stomach with his free hand. Magnus looked up, and saw the Clairvoyant rune on his hand. He stared at it mesmerised by the image. And then he realised. He gasped and sat up (when did he fall on the floor?). Jace and Clary were looking at him, concerned, Isabelle already had her hands on his shoulders. “Are you okay? Do you feel sick?” she was asking him softly. Magnus stood up so fast he shocked everyone in the room. He smiled. “Fine. Just a little. I think I’m going to go to the bathroom. Which in normal circumstances is where?” he asked. Isabelle frowned and looked down at him.

“Alec, are you sure you don’t have a concussion? You fell pretty hard, maybe you hit your head?” Jace asked. He stood up. “Nope, I’m err…I’m fine.” He said, standing up, wobbling slightly.

“Where are you?” Clary pitched in. Magnus looked around.

“Do I get three guesses?” He asked. Clary sighed,

“I think Alec’s concussed.” She concluded. Jace took Magnus’ arm, “I’ll draw an iratze, okay? You’ll be fine in a minute.” He soothed. Magnus pulled his arm back, and bit his lip. It’s not my arm at all, he thought to himself, it’s Alec’s. He stood up. “I’m going back to my room. I’m fine, honestly. I’ll be back in a minute.” And he turned around, staring at the opposite wall. “Where the fuck did you put the door?!” he cursed, searching for it. Jace exchanged glances with Isabelle and Clary,

“Why don’t I walk you back to your room?” He asked. Magnus turned around and flashed a smile before remembering Alec very rarely smiled. He went back to what he assumed was his default scowl. “Uh, yeah, maybe you should.” He said, trying to sound as much like Alec as he could. Jace watched him as he found the door with ease, and took him down some twisting and turning corridors, eventually reaching a door he assumed was Alec’s. Magnus smiled at Jace, “thanks, I can find my own way back.” He insured, but Jace shook his head.

“I think I’m waiting for you.” He said. Magnus nodded,

“…Right. Okay. I’ll be out in a moment.”

He marched through the room, and straight into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. Black hair, pale skin, blue eyes. He put his head in his hands. “Shit.” He took his hands away, and stared back into Alec’s face. It was familiar but yet alien at the same time. He had always loved Alec’s face, loved the small scar in his temple. He loved the shape of his face, but looking at it through his eyes, it wasn’t that pretty anymore. He looked at it as though it were his own face. And he sighed, is this how Alec sees himself? He left the bathroom, and began rooting around the room to find his phone.

His room wasn’t messy per se, Alec just had a peculiar way of ordering his belongings. He preferred piles of books on the floor to on his desk. It looks as though Robert hadn’t bothered putting up shelves, knowing his son would never use them. Magnus rooted around, and eventually found the phone in the pocket of a pair of jeans strewn across the floor. He looked down the contacts and hastily called the number entitled Magnus Bane.

 Alec grabbed a hold of the sofa side. He gasped, and put his head between his knees. He felt sick. Slowly he looked up and around him. It was Magnus’ apartment. Why was he there? He looked down at his lap and noticed the tight red trousers. He blushed, and quickly made his way into the bedroom – he’d remembered leaving some clothes in there and he hadn’t gotten round to taking them out. He passed the bed, and looked over it. His sweater – one of the baggier, more holed ones that he’d left behind was sat on the bed among the bed sheets. He frowned, pulled off the ridiculously tight shirt and trousers, comfortable about walking around Magnus’ apartment in his underwear. He grabbed his shirt, and as he began pulling it on, he looked down, and didn’t see the parabatai rune on his lower shoulder, like he usually did. In fact, he didn’t see any runes. Or a bellybutton. There was only one person he knew who had neither. He instantly forgot about the rest of his clothing, and stormed out into the main apartment, scaring Chairman Meow, and swung into the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the mirror. Or Magnus’ reflection rather. Cat eyes gleamed back at him. He touched his face, shocked. What the hell was going on? Why was he seeing Magnus’ face…why was he in Magnus’ apartment. What had happened? He walked back into the bedroom, slowly getting dressed in his more comfortable clothes, and couldn’t resist the urge to see what Magnus looked like in his clothes. He smiled. Magnus looked nice in anything. He could even make Alec’s shabby clothes work. Make the holes in the stretched woollen sweater look deliberate and as though they were some sort of fashion statement. Alec slowly walked back into the living room and sat down.

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