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Alec rolled over in bed, pulling the duvet closer around him. He curled up into the fetal position and he felt content. He didn’t feel achy – they hadn’t been out slaying demons in at least a week. This was truly a perfect morning. The door flung open, and Jace raced in, launching himself up onto Alec’s bed. Alec grumbled, trying to turn over. “Alec! Alec! Wake up!” Jace cried, shaking his parabatai’s arm. “No, Jace! I’m perfectly content with lying here.” He muttered, keeping his eyes shut. Something else began pawing on Alec’s side, poking him between the ribs. “And can you take Church away.” He muttered. Jace picked up the cat, only to drop him back onto Alec, who convulsed with the sudden shock and pressure of having the cat thrown onto him. Alec sat up, and Church hissed, scampering out of the room. “By the Angel, Jace!” Alec yelled, glaring at his friend. “What is so important that you need to wake me up?!” the blonde haired boy simply smiled, and leaped off the bed, running through the mess in Alec’s room to the window seat. He drew back the curtains, and Alec was greeted with a sight he wasn’t familiar with. Complete whiteness. Over everything. A smile lit up his face, and he instantly forgot his anger. Jace’s smile increased at seeing Alec so happy. It snowed every year, but it was still magical.

Alec threw on clothes as fast as he could, throwing his coat and gloves on before dashing out into the corridor. Jace and Isabelle were already outside and he sprinted out to push Jace over into the snow. “That’s for waking me up.” He sat, grinning as he stood up. Jace brushed the snow off his face, before launching himself back at Alec, knocking him over backwards. Isabelle stood up, smiling softly at her brothers. “C’mon guys.” She said softly, and both Jace and Alec stood up. Isabelle had started to make a snowman. The memory seeped back into Alec’s brain. Last year Izzy, Jace and Alec had all been too busy with work. The snow had come and gone before they’d had time to play in it. Max had been bored. They’d promised him to make a snowman with him the next time it snowed. “We can…we can still make the snowman. Even if he’s not here.” Izzy said. She began crying, and Alec slumped his shoulders, reaching forward to hug her close to him. “Ssh, Izzy. Don’t cry. You’ll melt the snow.”

They finished the snowman, and looked at it sadly. Regret filled every bone in their bodies, if only they had time for Max. Somebody covered Alec’s eyes. He gasped as they leaned in. “Guess who?” They whispered hotly. Alec smiled as they took their hands away, and he turned around to face Magnus. he looked fashionable. As always. Fur trimmed coat and hat, thick winter boots. Alec wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him softly. Magnus pushed him down in the snow, and Alec only had a split time to react before Magnus was on top of him again, kissing him. They heard someone cough, and they broke away. Clary was standing by Jace and they were watching with slightly bemused faces. “Now, now, control your urges. Really, guys.” Izzy said. Jace grinned,

“Are you going to be abducting Alec now?” Magnus got up, helping Alec up with him.

“No. I thought I’d hang around in the Institute for a little while. Get a feel for what you’ve done with the place.” He said, smiling.

Alec sat down at the kitchen table, Magnus looking around the kitchen. “Looks like you guys need hot cocoa. Where do you store it then? You have so many cupboards…”

“Far left above the cooker.” Isabelle told him, collapsing into a seat next to her brother. Magnus looked back over the teenagers. “Tired, are we?” there was a unison of grumbles as the warlock set to work on making hot beverages for all of them. He put each mug in front of him, and Alec began gulping his viciously. He gasped for breath, and found Magnus watching him. He reached a hand across the table and brushed a strip of hair out of his face. Alec smiled as Magnus leaned across the table and kissed him. He smiled as he pulled back. “I make good cocoa.” He commented, and Jace whistled again. “Actually…fuck what you’ve done with the Institute, Alec, get your coat back on – to my apartment we’re going.” Magnus sat, getting up, and strutting out of the kitchen. Alec stood up hastily, and followed him out, tripping over himself with the eagerness.

Magnus pulled Alec close to him as they tumbled into the apartment. They were both damp with the snow. Magnus pulled off his coat, and then pulled Alec’s off, who was smiling and kissing Magnus softly. The warlock smiled back at him, “you have a wonderful smile, Alec.” He commented, pulling him gently by the hand over to the settee. Alec smiled as he sat down, resting his head on Magnus’ shoulder. “You have a wonderful everything.” He commented, snuggling close to him. “And I love you.” Magnus kissed him. “So.” Another kiss. “So.” Another kiss. “Much.” He kissed him longer this time, before letting Alec nuzzle into his neck, and they sat, warming each other on the sofa in the quiet, the heat turned right up as it continued to snow around them.

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