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Alec was sat on the sofa, a book perched in his hands when Magnus came in. He leaned over the sofa, kissing his husband softly. “Morning,” Alec smiled sweetly. Magnus smirked, kissing him again on the cheek. “Morning darling,” he mumbled. The warlock looked down for a moment, anxious about what he was going to say next. “Sweetie, do you remember a few weeks ago, when we had that talk?” Alec cocked his head, furrowing his brows.

“We had a lot of conversations a few weeks ago, you’ll have to be more specific, Mags.”

The warlock swallowed, “About having kids.”

The shadowhunter shut his book, “What about it?” he said somewhat coldly. The conversation hadn’t gone well, so to speak. Alec hadn’t said no…but he hadn’t exactly agreed to having children yet. Magnus looked at him, his eyes pleading. “My friend works in a hospital, and she just told me that a little warlock baby was just abandoned there,” Alec stared at him disapprovingly, “Look, she can’t keep the baby – she doesn’t have the space or the time, and it’s just until she can find other parents who might want to keep the child. It can’t stay at the hospital, the humans will find it and then god knows what might happen next.”

Alec stayed silent. He raised one eyebrow sceptically at Magnus. “We don’t have any of the stuff for looking after a baby,” he pointed out.

“I figured we could just borrow some stuff off Simon and Izzy. Christobel’s old enough now that she doesn’t need the new born stuff, does she?” 

The couple then  had a somewhat dramatic stare off, Magnus absolutely begging with his eyes for Alec to say yes. “Fine.” He threw his book on the sofa next to him. “For a few days, and that’s it.”


Alec shoved his hands in his coat pockets, “I feel like we’re doing something really illegal here,” He commented. “Just the way we’re snooping around a hospital. How do you expect us to leave with a baby? They’ll know we didn’t come in with one!” He hissed. Magnus sighed,

“Alec dear, when you’re as old as me, you’ve perfected the art of hospital snooping, now come on, she’s just in here.”  And he looked both ways to make sure no one was coming before grabbing Alec and yanking him through a side door.

“Celia,” He greeted quickly. Alec could tell she was disguised to humans, but he could clearly see her blue skin and ram horns. She was clutching a baby to her, her hair in a slight state of disarray. “Magnus, thank you so much for doing this for me. I had to take him home with me last night…and you have no idea how thankful I am.” And she handed the baby to him. He was wrapped in a light blue towel, a clean white baby-grow covering his tiny body, a small hole snipped in the back to allow his tail to poke through. Ears and a tail. That was his warlock marking. They were a beautiful grey colour – no doubt the colour his hair would be later. “Does he have a name?” Magnus asked quietly. Celia shook her head. “Well, I’m sure Alec and I can think of one,” and he looked up at his shadowhunter husband.

He seemed in a state of shock, staring at the small baby. He felt tears sting his eyes, and he swallowed back a lump in his throat. How could anybody not want a baby like him? He was perfect. Alec slowly approached Magnus, taking the baby from him – careful, how his mother had taught him to hold Max. He stared into the baby’s sleeping face, smiling fondly. “Wolfie,” He said. “Short for Wolfgang,” And he brushed his fingers gently over the wolf ears the baby had inherited. Magnus smirked, thanking Celia again as he went to leave, Alec still protectively holding the baby. “Remember, Alexander, only for a few days,” he said mockingly. The shadowhunter didn’t take his eyes off the child, “Well, he might be staying a little bit longer then that.”

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