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Alec breathed out, his breath showing as a cloud in the cold air. Magnus smiled, and took his hand. Alec looked at him curiously. “You don’t have any gloves.” Magnus explained, “So I’m warming your hands up for you.” Alec grinned at the silliness of his comment, but put his other hand in Magnus’.

“If you’re going to warm up my hands, you might as well warm both of them up.” he said, and Magnus took his hand in between his gloved fingers. The train flew into the station, blowing some of Alec’s hair into his face, and Magnus brushed it behind his ear. “C’mon, let’s get on the train.” He whispered, pulling his boyfriend with him. They didn’t manage to get seats in the busy London underground, however because of the business both of them were squashed together, which neither of them minded. Alec had his cheek resting against Magnus’ jaw, his arms wrapped around his middle. They got a few stares and awkward glances, but in London, no one really cared about two men hugging.

They got off at their stop and were absently wandering through the city, when a woman stood up from her spot at one of the cafés and jogged towards them. She smiled, brushing some of her hair behind her ears. “Magnus.” She greeted, and his eyes widened,

“Oh my god, Tessa.” He said, putting one hand over his mouth. “Hi.” He eventually said, grinning. Alec looked between them curiously. Magnus looked at him, “Oh, Alec, this is my friend…Tessa Gray.” He said. Alec looked at her. It was so rare for Magnus to let him meet his friends, he wanted to savour this moment. Tessa looked over him, and then her eyes stopped. Her smile fell a little as she stared at his face. She looked at Magnus, and smiled sadly. “Well, isn’t his face familiar?” she joked, before promptly bursting into a fit of tears. Alec froze a little, but Magnus hastily pulled his hand out of Alec’s , and put an arm around Tessa, pulling her back to her seat at the café. Alec reluctantly followed, unsure of what he was supposed to do. Magnus took the seat across from Tessa as she wept. Alec watched the scene before him, as something compelled him to move.

He walked forward towards the weeping woman. “Hey,” He said, and she looked up at him sadly. “I…I know that whoever I look like is upsetting you, and I’m sorry that I’m making you upset.” He said, biting the inside of his cheek. “But…whatever happened…or whoever is making you sad, I’m sure that they wouldn’t want you to be crying at the thought of them. Unless they did something really bad to you – and in that case, they’re not worth your tears.” He said. Alec was never good at making people feel better – that was always Isabelle’s job. But Tessa looked at him, smiling sadly. “The only thing similar about you and him is your look, underneath you’re really nothing like him at all.” She commented. 

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