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Alec twisted his arm under his grasp, sat in his mother’s office. Jace was standing by his side, his hand on his shoulder protectively. The warlock sat by his side in another chair. Left leg crossed over the right, his hands laced together. He seemed perfectly comfortable, unlike Alec; he just wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. “Alec,” his mother breathed airily, “You are aware of the threat made against you…by the vampire clan.” She said. He nodded. “Because of the threat ruled against you, I as head of the Institute have decided to place you in the care of the warlock Magnus Bane.” Mayrse said. Alec widened his eyes a little.

“But why can’t I stay here? Vampires cannot enter the Institute – I’m safe here; I don’t need a guard.” He argued. Mayrse stood up from her desk.

“I imagine you haven’t been in your room since I told you to stay with Jace?” She asked. Alec nodded in agreement. “Follow me, everyone,” she said, pacing out of the room. They all followed as she walked up to Alec’s room, and pushed the door open. Things were askew and thrown about in a manic manor – most of his possessions were damaged. And there was writing on the wall. We will get him.

Alec breathed out sharply. It was devastating, to see someone hated him so much to do that. “They got in, Alec. You’re not safe here. I need to keep you safe, I can’t…” Lose another child. He knew what she meant even if she didn’t say it.  Alec nodded slowly,

“I’ll collect some non-broken things.” He said meekly.

They arrived at Magnus’ when the sun had already gone down. Alec put his bag down on the floor next to the sofa. “I’ll get some blankets to make up the sofa.” Magnus said.

“Why don’t I just stay in a spare bedroom or something? You have…three.” He said. Magnus shrugged, “it’s harder to protect you if you’re so far away.” He explained. “I’ll keep my bedroom door open, so if you need anything, just scream.” He smirked, and went to get the blankets.

Alec stood alone in the living room. Chairman Meow came, and began rubbing up against Alec’s legs. He’d always liked the small cat. He picked it up, and scratched between his ears affectionately, the cat wriggling awkwardly in his arms. He let the Chairman go when Magnus came back. He smiled at the shadowhunter pleasantly as he began making up the sofa. “How are you?” He asked. Alec smirked. “How am I? There are people out there trying to kill me. How exactly do you expect I’m feeling?” He barked. Magnus shrugged,

“I think it’s nice you consider them people. You shadowhunters are usually really intolerant to downworlders.” He muttered. Alec stared at him.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked. Magnus looked up at him,

“You kill downworlders.” He began. Alec shook his head.

“Only the ones that have broken the Accords!” He defended. Magnus shrugged,

“The ones who break the Accords have family, you know. Family that didn’t break the Accords.” Alec was speechless for a moment. “I’m not punishing the families! We execute the one who’s done wrong.” Magnus opened his mouth a little at that comment.

“Do you actually have any ability to sympathize with them? You’ve just killed their family, whether it was deserved or not, they might want revenge.” He said. Alec made a face.

“Vampires don’t have family! Downworlders by nature don’t have families-” He cut himself off, realising what he’d said. “Magnus I’m so sorry…” He began, but the warlock was already walking away, “Good night, Alexander. Sleep tight – don’t let the vampires bite.” He added, storming off into his room.

He was awoken by a shriek, and immediately bolted out of bed, terrifying the Chairman. Alec was sat up in bed, sweating, panting. “What’s wrong, Alec?” Magnus asked quickly. The shadowhunter looked down, “it was just a dream – it’s nothing.” He said, but Magnus knew it wasn’t nothing.

“Do you want me to stay with you?” He asked. After a moment, Alec nodded, so Magnus and Alec sat together on the settee, with a large gap between them.

Alec tucked some hair behind his ears. “I really am sorry about what I said. I’m just angry and stressed out – I didn’t mean it.” He said. Magnus shrugged,

“I’m sorry about snapping at you. Of course you know what it’s like to lose a family member in unfair circumstances.” He licked his lips, “And I’m sorry about breaking up with you.” He whispered. There was silence. He turned to look at Alec. His head was dipped into his knees that were tucked up into his chest – at first, Magnus thought he was crying, but then he realised he was already asleep. He smiled, and proceeded to quickly fall asleep himself.

He woke up the next morning and, as he usually did in his daily routine, made his way to the bathroom. He had already opened the door and was walking in when he realised Alec had yelled at him to get up. The bathroom had steamed up, but he could still see the outline of his ex-boyfriend’s slim figure in the shower as he turned to look at Magnus. The warlock blushed and instantly turned back to go through the door. He shut the door hastily, embarrassed. He’d missed seeing Alec naked more than he thought he would have. 

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