Phone Call

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Magnus fixed himself a drink, and sat down slowly, breathing out. He’d felt so furious, and now all the emotion was drained from his body. It had taken all he had not to give in, to let the blue-eyed angel back into his life; but even if he had let him in, he would never trust him again. It would have crumbled anyway.  He pinched the bridge of his nose. God. He’d loved him so much. His phone rang, and he looked up. Slowly he walked over to it, and looked at the caller ID. Alec Darling.

He had to cut him off again. He breathed in and out, trying to work up the strength to deny him again. After a moment or two of preparation, he clicked on, and put the phone to his ear. “Alec, I thought I told you-” He was cut off. There was rasping breathing on the other side. Desperate, pleading, scared. Magnus breathed in sharply. “Alec. Alec. What’s wrong?” There was more heavy gasps. “please.” He heard. The voice was so quiet, so frail. It wasn’t like the straight-forward boy he knew. “Help…” Alec mumbled. “Help…” he whimpered. “Help me…please…save me…” his breath was gasping, each word was over-pronounced. It was an effort just to speak them. “Alec, where are you?”

“The…the…the.” He moaned, and Magnus could imagine him writhing in pain. “Subway. Where. Where you left me.” Magnus cut off the phone before he could hear Alec begging him to save him.

He found him, lying on the ground, hand shakily on his stomach, soaking through with blood. Magnus felt like he was going to be sick. Alec’s intestines… something had ripped him open. And he was still conscious. His skin was so white, so pale. And his blood was so vibrant and red. Even in the darkness. Magnus dropped by his side, and placed his hand over Alec’s. He was trying to hold his organs in. “Alec. Alec please. I need you to take your hand away. I need to look at what’s wrong.” He said calmly. Alec gritted his teeth. “No.” He said firmly, painfully. “No. Please. It hurts. No. It stops.” He gasped as Magnus interlocked his fingers, and brought his hand away from it. “Magnus. Please.” He begged. He was holding back tears. “Alec, I know you’re in a lot of pain, but I need you as still as possible.” He told him. All anger was gone. He just felt so concerned. Alec looked at him and nodded. He slowly put his head on the floor. Gritting his teeth. “I tried…healing it myself. B-but, I can’t. Its…” he shrieked as Magnus rather crudely began to push his organs back into their place.

“I’m so sorry Alec, but you’ve lost so much blood I have to help you now.” Magnus had seen so much blood, so more gore, so much pain and tears and loss, but seeing the one he loves. Seeing his blood, gore, pain, tears and maybe his loss…it was too much. The skin of his stomach was torn, like the skin of a drum that was pulled too tight. It was split. The scars of the last time he had helped Alec were thick and raised and white. Magnus put his hand on the side of Alec’s massive wound. And he closed his eyes. He tuned out the choking gasps that echoed on the dripping walls. And he focussed on healing Alec. On regrowing the skin. He pictured Alec’s stomach (didn’t he know that sight well) perfect, better, normal. He focussed on his abilities doing that. He opened them, his breathing turning back to normal. There was a scar. Another one. Intersecting Alec’s stomach. But all organs were out of sight. Alec coughed, wheezing. Magnus wiped the blood off his hands and grabbed Alec’s phone. Scrolling down to find the right number. “Simon.” He breathed. “Simon I need you to get your friend’s van, I need you to get over here now. Alec’s been hurt, I need to get him back to the Institute. I need you to drive.” He explained, looking down at the weak, barely breathing boy. He’d heeled him, but he still wasn’t safe. He still wasn’t fully alive.

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