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Magnus tapped his hand on his knee awkwardly. He wasn’t used to this kind of stress – at seeing his ex again, even after five years. But it was Jace and Clary’s engagement party, and he would never hurt their feelings by not attending. He just had to suck it up – it was worth it for their dear friends. But that didn’t excuse them putting both of them on the same table. “Did you really have to?” He asked Jace. The blonde haired man smiled guiltily. “He’s my best friend. I wanted him on my table. And I wanted you on the main table.” He stretched out across the table, “plus I thought both of you were mature enough to deal with seeing each other again.” That last section made Magnus bite the inside of his cheek. Jace was right – he was mature enough. Just because he’d slept around with Alec didn’t mean it had to be awkward between the two of them.

Jace’s face perked up and he stood up, Clary smiling in the same direction. The couple stood up, and wandered over, Magnus’ eyes following them.

Alec hadn’t changed much. Albeit, his clothing was a little more colourful and slightly more presentable than they were when he was eighteen, but other than that, he was still the same man. The one unfamiliar thing was the guy perching by Alec’s side. He was shorter than the other shadowhunter (no surprise there), and looked fairly young, with slightly crooked glasses on his face. Alec hugged the couple, and so did his lover, before the two of them sat down next to each other, across the table from the warlock.

Magnus and Alec stared at each other for the longest time, unable to look away from each other. Eventually the man next to Alec cleared his throat, “so where’s Izzy?” He asked. Alec looked away, running his hand through his hair. “Oh she and Simon are off in like…England or somewhere.” He laughed. His boyfriend smiled, putting his hand over Alec’s gently. “Well, I think I’ll get some drinks or something.” Jace perked up,

“oh yeah, I’ll come with you – help you carry them.” He said. The boyfriend leaned over Alec and kissed him tenderly on the lips before going off. Magnus licked his lips. “So,” he said sharply, “what’s his name?” Alec looked at him apologetically.

“His name’s Boyuan, or just Bo.”

“He’s Chinese?” Magnus guessed, and Alec nodded. He sat back. “So is Asian your type?” he asked bluntly. Alec’s mouth hung ajar a bit. “He’s not…he’s…”

“So how did you meet if he’s all the way from China?” Magnus persisted. Alec shrugged,

“He lives in New York. He’s half-American, half-Chinese. We met at one of the battles.”

“And what, ended up screwing?” Alec quickly flushed red, and Clary put her head in her hands,

“Why am I always around when you’re fighting.” She murmured. Alec looked at her sympathetically,

“Magnus…please…can we just forget about this. I mean…its Clary and Jace’s engagement.” He said softly, pleadingly. Magnus took him by the wrist, pulling him away from the table.

“Hey! Magnus! Let me go!” He cried as Magnus finally let him go on a balcony. Magnus was blocking off Alec’s exit. “C’mon…you’re scaring me here.” He said quietly. The warlock squared his jaw,

“How could you just…move on? Did I even matter to you?” He asked. Alec looked around frantically,

“It was five years ago! And you broke up with me. I didn’t have a choice.” Magnus licked his lips,

“So you don’t love me anymore?” he questioned. Alec shook his head sadly,

“I always loved you. You were my first love…I can never stop feeling for you what I do. And Bo is…he’s wonderful. But he’s not you, and no one I ever fall in love with could ever match up.” He put his hand on Magnus’ shoulder, stroking his thumb tenderly across his skin. Neither of them knew what happened next, but soon Magnus’ lips were on Alec’s, and they were kissing. Alec’s arms went around Magnus’ neck, just like old times.

They heard something smash behind them, and Alec looked over Magnus’ shoulder. Bo was stood there, shocked. His eyes wide behind his lenses. Alec broke away, running towards him. “Bo. I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened, I just-” Bo’s hand connected with Alec’s face, creating a raw echoing sound. “Everyone told me Lightwoods are bad news. Now I know just how right they are.” He said, fighting back tears. Alec stood shocked as Bo stormed off through the crowds. Jace raised his eyebrows, “wow. Even I’m not capable of doing something so cold. Could you have at least tried to stave off your inhuman ex for my engagement party?” Alec glared at him.

“Shut the fuck up, Jace.” He snapped, running after his lover.

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