movie night

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i woke up to the sound of my alarm. which is playing seventeen's new song, adore u. i yawned and sat up with half-closed eyes. i turned off my alarm and continued to sleep while sitting up.

after the short sleep, i took my towel and went into my bathroom and did my business. after showering i wore my school uniform and tied my hair up into a messy bun.

i took my phone and headphones and shoved it into my book bag. 

i went into the kitchen and put two slices of bread into my toaster. while waiting, i laid down my head on the dining table. i took a very peaceful and small nap until the toasts popped up and my doorbell rang at the same time.

i shot up, startled. i opened my door to be greeted by a bunny looking jungkook, smiling so brightly. 

"good morning, sarang." he greeted, waving. i lazily waved back and also greeted him back. i moved aside to let him inside. he happily walked in.

he observed my little apartment a little bit with an amused expression stuck on his face. "this is actually my first time going in your apartment. it looks.." he paused and looked down, trying to find the right word. ".. neat!" he continued, enthusiastically.

i lightly giggled at his cuteness and took my toasts. i gave one to him and he gladly took it and said a little, 'thank you'.

it was still pretty early so we took time going to school. we went to a convenience store and bought some snacks to eat on the way to school. i insisted to pay for the snacks but jungkook said he'll pay.

you will think that i will let him pay for the food, right? well, you thought wrong. i'm not the one who'll let the guy spoil me like those cliche love stories because i'm an independent woman.

i flicked his forehead and pinched his cheeks and said, "i'll pay for the food, bitch." and handed the cashier the money.

jungkook rubbed his forehead and proceeded to rub his cheeks next. "that hurts, sarang." he said, cutely. "aw, little kookie is hurt?"

he nodded cutely and leaned in, expecting for a boo-boo kiss. i puckered my lips and leaned in, slowly. as i said before, i'm not that easy. i lightly slapped his cheek and ran away.

"YAH!" jungkook yelled.

i laughed and continue to run into the direction of the school. jungkook caught up to me and we were breathing heavily after the run. we laughed.

i never felt so alive.


school went by fast as lightning. well, not really. maybe it was just me sleeping in class. i waited for woojeong to come out of her class. i just realized that we were gonna hangout today.

her whole class came out already. even her teacher, but no sign of her. i went inside her classroom but it was empty. "where is she?" i thought.

i walked out of the school to see jungkook standing near the gates. i ran up to him and tackled him by jumping on his back. he was so startled that he almost fell. i laughed at him.

"when did we get this close?" he chuckled. "we literally met just a few days ago." i said while laying my head on his back while he walked.

"oh. by the way," he said while facing his face to me. "woojeong texted me to tell you that she couldn't attend school today. she has a fever."

i hummed in response. "text her saying, 'get well soon from sarang' later." i said while patting his cheek. i slowly closed my eyes and yawned.

"cute." jungkook chuckled.

"i am not cute. and by the way, am i not heavy?" i asked concerned. "you are not heavy at all. you are very light almost like a feather." he chuckled again. i felt the vibration through my cheeks as he laughed.

"go sleep, sarang. i'll let you know when we arrive." he said.

i nodded lightly and closed my eyes.


"sarang." someone said. "sarang. wake up." there it is again.

i slowly opened up my eyes to see jungkook's face just a few inches from my face. i squealed and threw a pillow at him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" i yelled, angrily. i breathed heavily. i was flustered.

"i just wanted to ask want do you want to eat for dinner.." he said while staring at the floor. i suddenly felt guilty for yelling at him.

"oh. i'm sorry for yelling at you." i said while walking up to him. "nah. don't worry. it was my faultr for being to close." he lightly laughed.

"so, what do you want for dinner?" he asked. i stood in front of him, thinking.

"i don't really know. make anything you want." i shrugged.


we ended up eating ramyeon and ordered chicken. we ate quietly while watching the new drama 'Doctors'.

after eating, we washed the dishes together. jungkook decided that we should watch a movie, so we laid the biggest blanket i have on the living room floor and threw some pillows there.

jungkook went to his apartment to change into more comfortable clothes.

i changed into a pikachu onesie. i unplugged my phone from the charger and went to the living room to wait for him. jungkook came in casually wearing a blue button-up pajamas with cloud patterns.

i chuckled. "you look cute." i grinned at him. 

"thanks. you look cute too. you ready for the movie?"

"i am born ready!"

we both laughed really hard and stopped when jungkook sat down next to me.

jungkook set up he movie and we watched it passionately. my eyes started to feel droopy half-way through the movie. jungkook noticed that i was sleepy so he puts a pillow on his lap and pulled my head down.

i lied my head down on his lap without hesitation. he caressed my hair as i slowly drift of to dreamland.


//hello peeps! i didnt go to school today cos my dad said that i dont have to and bcos we dont have any classes today so yeah im updating. this whole thing has 1005 words excluding the a/n lol welp gtg i havent showered opps


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