Why Let It Happen?

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The next day I walked into the cafeteria and looked around for them. When I finally saw them sitting around a big table I stood in line and grabbed  a burger, apply, and orange juice then I paid for my lunch. I started walking towards them smiling, when suddenly someone stepped in front of me.

My smile wavered.

"Hey June!" Oh no this can't be happening.

"Hey Max, whatsup?"

I started looking around hoping Zayn wasn't around. He didn't like when I talked to guys and I wasn't trying to get in trouble.

Whenever a guy talks to me he gets possessive and punishes me even though I don't start it. He doesn't care, all he cares about is that I don't talk to them.

"Hey June, hello are you there?" He chuckles and taps my nose.

I backup startled and let out a gasp.

"Yeah, um sorry I can't talk right now!" I try to go around him, but he keeps mimicking me.

I sigh exasperated. "Fine, you have 10 seconds."

"That's a enough." He smiles showing off is dimples. God he was so cute! Too bad I couldn't date. I sighed inwardly.

"Will you go on a date with me?"  My eyes nearly jumped out of my sockets.

"Um what." I whispered still trying to understand what he said.

"Will you go on a date with me." He said each word slowly he smiled wide.

"Uh, Um sorry I uh can't I have a bf." His smile slowly starts to disappear till its nothing and he frowns.

"Oh, I see. well uh-."

I sense Zayn and tense up. Damn I'm in trouble. Maybe if I act like I don't know his here I'll get away with it.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I said quickly before getting ready to walk away. I was about to take a step, but something pulled me back.


I turn around slowly with a guilty look and guess who it is!

"Hey Zayn, I was just on my way to sit with my friends would you like to join me?" I give him a fake smile.

He puts his arms around me and squeezes me to him tightly. I tense up. I'm definitely in trouble. To the outside world he may look like he was giving me a tight friend hug, but I knew the warning. Tonight he was going to teach me a lesson.

"No it's alright, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute is that fine?" He squeezed me again daring me to go against him. He looked like he was being friendly with the twinkle in his eyes but I knew a storm was brewing.

"Um, yeah sure." He bumps fists with Max who looks suspiciously at us but shakes his head and walks off. The whole time I'm screaming in my head for him to help me, but like everybody else, he doesn't get the signal.

"Come along." He pushes me towards the exit of the cafeteria. We walk down the long hallway where he keeps winking at girls and giving glares at guys that check me out. When we finally reach the janitors closet he pushes me in and directs his ice cold eyes at me. I shiver slightly. Well there goes my lunch I sigh dropping it.

"You fucking slut! Can't keep your hands to yourself!" He starts pacing around but suddenly punches the wall making a dent. I jump back scared.

"Why do I have to have a whore as a mate! I give you simple rules and you can't even follow them, because you're too busy fucking guys!" He starts shaking.

Tears start forming in my eyes.

"I didn't do anything! He came up and wan-."

"Shut up, just shut up you fucking slut!" He grabs a hold of my head and brings me close to his face that turns menacing.

"I told you what I would do to you whenever I found you talking to a guy! Maybe if you didn't dress like a whore they wouldn't hit on what's mine." He whispers and brings my head to him and kisses me hard then pulls back.

"Remember who you belong to."  He pushes me away.

"I'm sorry, I told him that I couldn't but he wouldn't listen. I told him I had a boyfriend!" I didn't want him to know that Max asked me out, because that would just piss him off even more and I would be punished even worse. 

"I don't care! You shouldn't be such a fucking tease! I mean look at you. What did I tell you about wearing short skirts and shorts mhh?"

I put my head down. "Not to." I look up. "But I was running late."

He sighs rubbing is face. "This better be the last time I see you wea-." The door opens and Jackson stands there crossing his arms looking at Zayn.

"What's going on here?" He glares at Zayn who narrows his eyes.

"Nothing you need to worry about, I'm leaving anyways." He looks at me and sends one last glare, before pushing Jackson on his way back. "I'll see you later."

Jackson glares at Zayn till he disappears down the hallway before turning to me and looking at me tenderly.

"Are you alright? When I couldn't see you in the cafeteria or Zayn I knew something was up, want to talk about it?"

"You look for me in the cafeteria?" I ask blushing. He leans in and wipes a tear from my face with his thumb. I gasp stepping back. He steps in and closes the door.

"June, can I ask you a question?" He looks at me sadly.

I nod my head.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?"

I shrug looking down. "His my mate."

He lifts my face up and looks into my eyes. I start getting lost in them.

"Doesn't give him the right to do that.

I start leaning towards him and see his eyes move to my lips. When I finally get to his lips I close my eyes and press mine to his. They were so soft and god the taste! He tasted of strawberry's while he smelled like a waterfall. I open my eyes and find him staring at me like a deer caught in headlights.

Fuck! Why did I do that.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I push past him and open the door. I start running down the empty hall. 

I fuck! I can't believe I kissed him! I'm definitely a slut. But his lips felt so nice.

I just hope he doesn't tell Zayn, I would be dead!

Of course he doesn't like me! His just so sweet that he looks out for people and that's why he was checking if I was okay. Now I ruined this!

There is no way he would like me. Nobody ever will...

When I reach the exit I run out of there making a decision to skip for today and maybe forever.

Damn I'm fucked!


Authors Note!

Hi loves I miss you guys and I bet you miss my stories, I haven't had much time to write but here you go! I know its short, but bare with me:)

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