Two Sexy Pigs

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Super Unedited!!


"Yes! I'm so happy you've agreed to the fuck fest!" She screams gleefully then hugs me happily.

I give her a warily smile. "Yeah, me to."

Noticing my less than happy enthusiasm she lets me go and gives me a look. Damn it. I decide to try again. "Sorry. I mean yay!"

Her face looks like she doesn't believe whatever I'm selling. "Okay. What gives?" She let's me go and looks disgruntled.

I sigh giving up. My shoulders slump as I go sit down at Jackson's now vacate sit. My energy seems to dissipate down the chair.

"Okay this is not good." She grabs her previous chair and pulls it closer to mine. "Okay girl. Spill pronto."

I put my head in my hands and let the tears fall. My body shakes as I let out all my frustration.

I vaguely feel Suzanna's hand rubbing my back. "Shhh. Its okay sweetie. Tell me what's wrong? What could have happened from the time I left?"

I try speaking but all my words don't make that much sense. "Zay... Cheat... girl." I hiccup in between the words.

"It's okay. Tell me once you're done." She continues to rub my back in soothing motions. I give her a thankful nod. After what seems like forever I finally calm down.

"Sorry about that. I'm just emotionally frustrated." I smile weakly wiping my tears.

"It's okay. It's more than okay." She gives me a timid smile.

"Thanks." I sniffly.

"No problem." She gives me a quick hug. "You ready to tell me the reason you're upset?"

"One name of course." I sniffle rolling my eyes. "Zayn.

"Oh. Yeah that's pretty major." She agrees.

"Tell me about it. I was having the best day only to find Zayn sucking face with some chick." I shake my head. I really was gullible when it came to him.

She sits back in her chair. "Whoa. His not my mate but I'm pissed."

I add fire to the torch. 'Right! The nerve of him. He can't seem to stay out of trouble when it comes to our relationship. What is wrong with me?"

She sits forward and grabs my hands. "You're not the problem sweetie. But I just to bring things into prospective. What if she kissed him instead?"

I guess I wasn't the only gullible person. "When it comes to Zayn that seems unlikely."

"That maybe. But there is still a small chance he didn't initiate it. What if she forced herself on him? He didn't ask you on a date for no reason."

I roll my eyes. "Zayn's the Alpha. He had the power to stop her."

"I guess you're right." She sighs seeming to give up on good guy Zayn. An idea seems to pop in her mind as her face morphs away from the sad one. "How much of it did you see?"

I look at her like she's crazy. "Enough?" I try to save face. Hearing the echo of those words I don't seem convincing even to myself. Okay fine, I may not have stayed for the whole thing, but I'll be damned if the kiss didn't seem so believable. "I caught him in the kiss. Isn't that enough for damage control?" I elaborate throwing my hands up in frustration.

She rolls her eyes playfully. "I mean how long did you stay? Did you see the whole thing. I haven't known you for long, but from the thing with Jackson and me, I think you tend to jump to conclusions."

I sniffle rolling my eyes. "Maybe." She gives me a look. "Fine no! I didn't stay long enough to see what he did." I shrug.

"There problem solved!" She sits back in her chair feeling accomplished.

Is it possible that she's right? No. Maybe? I don't know.

"Thanks. I'll think about it. Can we reschedule the rabbit hunt?"

She sits up and pulls me into a tight hug. "Take you time."


I remember Suzanna's words. What if she did kiss him and he pushed her away after I left?

I sigh wistfully. What if seems to be the word of the day.

I lay back on my bed and my head looks to my right. I look at the carefully placed outfit Zayn must have taken extra care to place on my bed. Can I really go through with sleeping with my favorite doubles knowing there is a possibility Zayn was innocent?

This was the moment of truth. I grab it and put it on. Perfect fit. I love how it molds to fit my body. It was a sexy pig outfit. The set consists of G-string panties, pig like ears, and a V-shaped top that has three words 'Huff and Puff'. This makes me giggle. The words aren't all that original but I love it, nonetheless.

I smooth the outfit with my palms and take in a big breath. I release it with a shudder.

Here I go. Turning my doorknob I work out with a mission to Jackson's room.

"I can do this. It's not like he'll care." I try to convince myself. Once I reach his room I turn the knob in anticipation. Weird enough, I'd never been to Jackson's 'home' base. I open it and spot Suzanna sprawled out on his bed with her legs spread for feasting. Jackson is wearing an outfit for a dominate. Low hanging leather pants while holding a whip. I begin to have second thoughts.

I shake my head. "I can't do this." I look at them apologetically as I close his door to conceal their disappointments. This was too much to handle. Add that to my feelings bouncing all over the place and it was a disaster. I maneuver myself around the hallway till I spot Zayn's door. From there I shake the doubt away and my face morphs into a big uncertain, but hopeful smile. Gearing up to put less space between me and Zayn I step in my tracks.

"You've got to be kidding me." I whisper quietly to myself. There stumbling out of Zayn's room his the same chick from earlier. I face looks incredulous before turns angry. She looks over at me hugs Zayn's shirt tightly to her body.

She slowly struts up to me and gives me a once over.

'Man I really want to unleash my fury on her.' My wolf growls.

'No!' I reply with authority even if I thought the same thing. 'Our problems are not with her. It's not her fault but Zayn's.'

I hated when girls always blamed the other female and not the male. I figure she should count her blessings. She sneered keeping a distance between us as she passed me. Once she cleared tears wrecked my body. What the actual fuck. Can't I catch a break! I slide down the wall and let everything out. After sometime I viciously wipe my tears as I get up with determination.

'If he wants to play this game bring it on.' I angrily whisper to my wolf.

She huffs in agreement. I guess she was done as much as I was.


I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, but I was dealing with apartment problems/moving. I feel better now that I've posted something:). This chapter is SUPER UNEDITED I was too excited to put it out!


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