Breaking Point

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We both fall on the bed panting. Zayn catches me and lays me by him possessively. I don't think his fully realized what his done. But damn. Who knew Zayn had it in him to make me cum so hard. And what the actual fuck! I let him mark me! Yes it was in the heat of the moment, but fuck me. Not really, because damn. On the other hand. Were the guys serious about me? Mentally and emotionally. Or was the physical part of me what they most craved? I needed to find out. What better way than a break from both! So many questions and doubts were flowing through my mind and I felt too overwhelmed. Shit, I needed to think, without them distracting me that is. It seemed when things started to make sense another situation materialized.

Yes I know I should have thought of this before I slept with both of them. To be honest, was this to fulfil myself or them? I can't lie that I enjoyed it. Every-time it came through my mind, I felt an intense craving for more! I look over at Jackson as he crawls over to us. He holds my hand as he sleeps on the other side of me. Zayn pulls me closer and Jackson rolls his eyes. I give him a weak smile as he closes his eyes and falls asleep. The hard breathing on my neck indicates that Zayn's fallen asleep as well. I think more on my decision and close my eyes.

It was clear what I had to do.


My eyes open wide and I sigh in relief. Yes that was all a dream. A part of me was disappointed but I could leave with that complication. Getting ready to move I feel weight on me. What the fuck? I look at the naked hand. No hands and start to freak out. Shit! No way! Just great, it wasn't a dream. More like nightmare. I gaze at the peaceful looking Jackson and an involuntary smile leaves my face. I turn my head take my turn admiring Zayn's peaceful look. He looked so innocent from his hard-core alpha image. Shaking my head I remember my previous decision. I detangle myself from the two-high filled testosterone males. I get out of bed carefully as not to wake them. When I get up they turn and face away from each other.

Quickly putting on my clothes I tiptoe out of the room. I open the door holding my breath and look at them. It manages to creak just faintly and I look over at the guys. Their eyes twitch, but thankfully that's all the movement that comes from them. I sigh in relief as I open it enough to move through. I hold my breath as I close it shut. Letting out a soft sigh I quickly to Suzanna's room. I open her door and find her reading a book. She looks up sees me standing there unsure. Quickly shutting the book she jumps to her feet and quickly walks to me.

"What's happened?" She grabs my shoulders.

I break down crying as I try explaining the whole situation. I can see her eyes widen in shock. "Damn, I didn't think he had it in him to be that open! Who knew your mate was all types of freaky." I give her a look and she shrugs.

"What? Just saying." She pulls me to her bed. "So what are you going to do."

It's my turn to shrug. "I don't know. Run away? I just want to erase this whole situation!"

She gives me a look and I smile involuntary. "Yes I enjoyed it, and it'll most likely last forever in my memory. But I want real love. If I keep messing with both of them how am I going to see my future clearly?"

She thinks for a moment. "Whatever you need I'm here. If you think running away will help you decide then do it."

I look at her gratefully and hug her. "Thanks for being you."

She chuckles. "Who else can I be." I roll my eyes. Such a Suzanna response.

We end up walking to my room and packing some clothes.

"Please don't tell them I'm at my cousin. I want to figure things out without distractions."

She nods serious. Thinking I need to cheer her up I decide to tell her the shocking news.

"Oh and did I tell you his marked me?" I give her a cheeky smile. She gasps her hands on her mouth in surprise. "Home girl say what!"

I wink at her before I turn and face the open forest. I knew this was for the best as I tied my clothes around me. It took me seconds to change into my gray wolf. I was told it was beautiful. Supposedly the black tips on my ears and paws made my wolf stand out from a regular gray wolf. Focusing on my destination I made a run for it. Marie here I come! I really prayed my cousin could help me with this situationship. Clearing everything from my pack, I increase my speed and everything becomes a blur.



Waking with a start I feel like something isn't right! All I remember is the sex I had with June. Looking at my naked body the full memory comes to mind. Fuck! I marked her. Thinking about it, for some reason it felt right and I wasn't that surprised. My wolf had been bugging me and okay the same for me, but was it the right time to do such a thing. I look over at Jackson and hump out of the bed. I shake him.

"Dude where the fuck is June?" I ask anxiously.

He rubs his eyes before what I've said fully wakes him. "Shit dude, I don't know." He looks around the room. I could tell he felt things won't right also. We quickly put our clothes on and go to Junes room only to find it empty. I let out a furious growl waking the whole house up and not caring.

I was pissed!




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