Cat & Mouse

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I get up before he does and slip out of his hands as quietly as possible trying not to wake him up.

This whole situation was fucked up and I was at a loss on what to do. Right now a visit to my cousins Marie's pack would do me some good, since I didn't seem to be learning any lessons.

I didn't even bother putting on my clothes as I put them in my mouth. I slowly backed away from the clearing till I was in a good distance and shifted.

Running as fast as I could to the pack house I was happy to finally be back. I needed to take a shower to get Zayn's scent and cum off me so Jackson didn't think I planned any of this. Hopefully, he was still asleep and I could once more sneak into the shower. I shifted back with my clothes still in my mouth and put them on quickly.

I successfully sneak my way into the house till I was by my door. Planning to open it quietly I jumped unexpectedly as a voice behind me said my name. 'Not this again.' I thought as I slowly turned, already feeling guilty.

"Hey Jackson. Thought I would still find you in bed." I scratched the back of my head nervously. He walked to me and took my face in his hands adoringly before he sniffed and let it go stepping back. He was shaking and I didn't know what to do as I looked at him my eyes wide.

"Is this a joke to you?" He looked hurt as he gestured to me then himself. "I'm so busy laying my cards on the table and I get nothing in return as you run back to him."

I felt like a lightning bolt shot into my heart as stayed back holding my chest. I rubbed it as I shook my head. "It's not what you think."

"Is that so?" He scoffed. "You're saying that I'm imagining the smell of Zayn's cum from between your legs?"

My eyes started watering. "I'm sorry! You know I wouldn't plan this. I like you too much."

"But you want your mate more." He sighed with sadness in his eyes. He shook his head. "I need to go clear my mind."

"Please don't go." I tried to plead as tears ran down my face.

He gave me a weak smile. "You know I can't think clearly around you." He came to me and kissed my forehead then turned around disappearing down the long hall.

I felt my heart breaking as I slowly opened my door and shut it sliding down on the ground. I brought my legs in a fold and covered my face with my hands as I screamed in angst. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and looked up startled before I hugged Suzanna and let out all the frustration I felt. I was sure I was letting out ugly sobs, but at the moment I didn't care and relished in the embrace.

"It's okay to cry, I'm here for you." She said in a soothing voice.

Funny how people seem to be here for me for the moment till shit explodes then I'm alone again, that is till the next person. I felt my body shake as my wolf and I cried for different reasons.

Why can't he just accept us. She said with a whimper. This whole mess would be over with.

'You know his too selfish for that. Don't you like Jackson?' I asked her.

I do, but his not our true mate. She said as she sunk back into my subconscious. My vision cleared as I thought about what she said.

I know this is partially my fault and I feel like I've dung too deep of a hole to climb out. I pulled back after what seemed like forever and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

I smiled at her weakly. "Thanks I really needed that."

She sighed and got up before she pulled me up. "What are you going to do? I heard what happened between you and Jackson."

I shook my head trying not to cry. "As you can already smell, I reek of Zayn."

"What happened between you and Zayn?" She asked pulling me to my bed that was full of so many great memories between Jackson and I.

I hiccuped. "I went on a run to clear my head and let my wolf out only for Zayn to come out of nowhere and mount me. I tried to refuse but he was too strong and soon I couldn't resist the mate bond."

She looked at me wide eyed and gasped. "Wow, I didn't know he was capable of doing that. I guess we don't know our alpha that well."

"If his willing to reject our full mating till his ready, then he I don't put anything past him." I sniffed brushing my hair back.

She gave a nod of her head in agreement. "You're right. The mate bound is too strong to ignore so that makes him crazy to deny it."

Jackson finds her in bed alone and cuddles into her warmth somehow knowing that she's awake. "I'm sorry." He says as he pulls her close kissing her neck. She turns and looks at him.

"I understand. I'm sorry to." I tell him sniffling.

"I'm still here baby. Go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow." I nod my head and cuddle into the crook of his neck. I close my eyes wishing he was my fated mate.


She can run all she wants but he was going to find her. He didn't like waking up alone, especially in the woods like a weirdo. Seeing as he was a proud man he decided to walk back to the pack house in full commando. He knew he was well packed and the alpha but most importantly untouchable.

He was on a mission to find out who his lusty little mate had the nerve to bed without his permission and wouldn't stop until the truth came out. For now he was going to let her think she won and soon her guard would fall down and he would strike


Hey loves!! Yup! This is an upload... I'm going to try updating one of my stories everyday woot! So look out for this one, or my other book that's connected. Rejected Then Un-Rejected (Already published on amazon yassss but getting reedited and should be update on the kindle once it's completed, which should be in a couple weeks or month since I'm writing uploads).

Happy reading and don't forget to fan, like, and comment on who's your fav character woot!!

Question: Should Jackson feel the way he does knowing June is a taken women?

She Will Be Mine (2nd in Rejected Souls Series)Where stories live. Discover now