Chapter 2: San Diego

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Emma Pov:

We were all packed and ready. At 7:00 am we got up and Kendall drove us to the train station. She is taking us to San Diego which is generous of her. Sophia and I were beyond excited, no words could explain the joy that we were feeling. After a couple of hours we dropped everything off at the hotel and headed to comic con. Sophia braided her long brown hair on the side and wore a blue once t-shirt with a black skirt and black boots. I left my long blonde hair down and wore the same blue once t-shirt with black leggings and brown boots. Our foster mother Kendall let us buy red leather jackets cause Emma was our favorite. We debated dressing up as Emma and Regina but we didn't have the money to find a good evil queen costume. We walked into the building full of people and crazy costumes. It was so overwhelming I couldn't think. Sophia squeezed my hand.

"Emma! Are you ok your hyperventilating"

"I'm fine I'm fine, just overwhelmed. I can't believe we're actually doing this"

"I know now come on the panel starts soon"

We run to the panel; well we try to run but with all the people we can't. Eventually we make our way to the conference room and take our seats.

Jen Pov:

I'm sitting backstage the conference room at SDCC with all the cast. We're having so much fun cracking jokes and talking that we almost miss Yvette Nicole Brown start the panel. I walk out on stage and people cheer, I will never get used to the love of the adoring fans. After a couple of questions a two girls step  up to the microphone. I can feel my face flush as I see a blonde haired girl. Emma, I say to myself in my mind. Eventually I realize I've been staring too long; my mind registered that they were asking me a question about the foster system.

"Umm...I did a lot of research about the foster system so I could portray Emma's past realistically"

The girl thanked me and I continued to stare at her. Luckily no other questions were directed to me cause I couldn't focus anymore. Eventually time was up and we walked off stage. Colin asked me if everything was ok, I was feeling dizzy and I ran to the bathroom. I stood over the sink and splashed some water in my face to stop myself from breathing to heavily. I don't know why I was freaking out, I mean obviously it was because I think I just saw my daughter but she doesn't know me so why did it matter. Then Ginny came in the bathroom,

"Jen is everything ok?"

"Umm.....No I'm....I'm fine"

"Jen don't lie to me I can tell something is wrong"

"I just saw.......look it's no one lets not worry about this"

"Jen we need to go to the signing on the floor soon. I can't leave you freaking out in the bathroom"

"It's just that girl who asked me the question..."

"Do you know her or something"

"She.....she is my daughter, I think"

"What!! You never told me you had a daughter"

"That's because pretty much no one knows"

"You never told anyone"

"Well my parents and sister know but that's about it. I didn't even have the guts to tell my brother"

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