Chapter 20: Baby

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Emma Pov:

It's been 3 months since Christmas, Jen is on maternity leave now so I don't get to go to set as often. I really enjoy hanging out there, it feels like a second family to me. Jen has been pretty cranky these last weeks which I suppose is normal. Honestly she just gets frustrated with Evan and is always asking me to do things for her. She is one week away from her due date. It's march in Vancouver so it's still pretty cold and snowing a lot. Today they are calling for 3 feet of snow. I love the snow, growing up in California I never really got to experience it. Evan loves it too; I'm really enjoying being a big sister to him. Sometimes he even calls me sissy. I've been calling Colin dad a lot more often because he is really the only father figure in my life. He always smiles every time I say it. I'm very excited for my mom to have this baby, she deserves to raise a child like she's always wanted.


Jen Pov:

It was 3:00 in the afternoon, Emma and I were sitting in front of the fireplace thinking about baby names. The snow was coming down pretty hard now, Colin was filming. Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach


"Mom! Are you okay"

"No, god no. The baby ahhhhh"

"Okay mom I'm calling dad"

Emma picks up the phone and I'm trying to steady my breathing. I start to count my contractions, 10 minutes apart.

"Mom, Colin is stuck in the snow"


"What do you want me to do"

"Get me my damn fiancé. Ahhh"

"Okay mom I'm calling an ambulance"

20 minutes later my contractions are coming faster now and still no ambulance. I hear a knock on our kitchen window.


Emma runs in the kitchen and opens the sliding glass door. Colin walks inside covered from head to toe in snow

"Colin, how the hell are you here"

"I ran love, I needed to help you."

"Colin you could've gotten yourself killed. We live like 10 minutes from set, you could have frostbi ahhhh"

"Jen Jen calm down, breath"

I'm sitting on the couch and he's holding my hand.

"Colin, my contractions are 3 minutes apart"

"Honey the ambulance is on the way"

I'm dying in pain. This feels worse the second time. It's been 30 minutes and still no ambulance.

"Colin.....the baby is coming"

"I know love. Emma!"


"Get me some towels a lot of them. And sterilize some scissors"

"Colin...what are you"

"Jen this baby is coming we have to be prepared"

I'm crying now

"Colin you can't deliver this baby you don't know how"

"I'm calling Josh he's done it before and we have no choice"

"Ahhhh God"

Colin sets me up on the couch and Emma is blotting my head with a towel. He is on the phone with Josh and I can tell he's freaking out. 

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