Chapter 19: Christmas

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Emma Pov:

I've been living with Jen and Colin for 6 months now and it's been the best time of my life. Since we are going to Jens parents for Christmas we are having a family Christmas early. Today we are getting our tree. Colin was so excited to take us to cut down a tree. We got all bundled up in hats and scarves; we all looked liked Eskimos. After we got our tree we placed it in our living room. I helped Colin set up a train track around it while Jen got the ornaments out of storage. We decorated while Evan played with the trains. Jen had Christmas music playing and we were singing. It was the best day of my life. At night we sat by the fireplace and ate Christmas cookies. I insisted on watching Miracle on 34th street, Colin didn't even realize Jen was in it until we got to the scene. We spent a long time laughing about her in the elf costume. When the movie was over Jen handed all of us a present.

"This is from my mom guys. She always gave us a present a week before Christmas. It was the same thing every time."

We opened them to find matching Christmas pajamas. We put them on and took a family photo. I felt like I was living in a Christmas movie.


Jen pov:

I'm 6 months pregnant so Christmas is a fun time of year. All I'm doing is eating cookies. Luckily I'm not throwing up anymore but my sex drive is off the charts. Colin doesn't seem to mind. After we set up our tree and the kids went to bed, we stayed up half the night having amazing sex. Really my life couldn't be any better. Today is Wednesday, the day before Christmas Eve. We are flying to my parents house this morning. Colin and I sent all our presents ahead of time so the kids couldn't find them. We arrived at my parents before my brother and sister. My parents only had one spare bedroom besides my siblings rooms so the kids would all be in one room. When the rest of the family got there we played games and hung out. It was so nice to be with my family and not have anyone ask me if I was okay. This year I couldn't be happier. Eventually we all went to bed, tomorrow was Christmas Eve so we needed some sleep. My dad always took us to see a Christmas play on Christmas Eve and then we would go see lights. He wants to do the same with his grandchildren. So we got up ate breakfast and spent the whole day as a family. Emma seemed to be having a good time and the baby wasn't driving me crazy so that's good. The kids seemed to enjoy the play and the lights show was very impressive. As we were walking in the house it started to snow. We all went nuts especially the kids and everyone had there tongues out to catch the snow. Once it got late we all went inside and my mom made hot chocolate. Emma insisted we all put cinnamon on it and it was delicious. We all collectively decided to give each kid one present on Christmas Eve. My niece opened a Barbie doll, Evan opened a new train, and Emma opened a new necklace. Then Colin said

"Jen I have one present that I want to give you now"

"Colin I thought just the kids on Christmas Eve"

"Actually I've been wanting to give this to you for awhile."

He stood up in front of me while I was sitting on the couch. He pulled a box out of his pocket and got on one knee. I covered my mouth with my hands because I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Jennifer Morrison will you do me the honor of being my wife"

I couldn't find the words so I pulled him up and kissed him. My family started clapping and he slipped the ring on my finger. It was a gorgeous silver ring with a big diamond surrounded by little diamonds.

"Colin.....this is amazing"

"I love you Jen"

"I love you too"

He kissed me again and then we got a lot of hugs from everybody. It was getting late so we all went to bed. I knew the kids would be up early for Santa. Colin and I went to our room

"How long have you been planning this"

"Did you like it"

"Yes, you know Christmas makes me happy"

"I know. I've been planning this ever since we visited your parents the first time."

"Really! That was 4 months ago"

"Jen I've wanted to marry you for awhile. I just couldn't find the right time to ask"

"This was the perfect time"

I pulled him on the bed with me and we kissed a lot.

"Jen, your parents are down the hall"

"I don't care, you're my fiancé"

He doesn't hesitate any more. He rips me out of my clothes and keeps his mouth on mine to stifle all the moans. After a while it's 2:00am

"Colin we should sleep now"

"You're right love."

He kisses my head until we fall asleep. I remember to put clothes back on incase we are awoken by someone in the morning. And luckily we did; At 7:00am Evan jumps on the bed with Emma my niece and sister behind him.

"Okay we're up now"

"I'm just glad you're clothed"


"Well you did get engaged last night"

We get up and go to the living room where all the presents are under the tree. My mom hands me coffee, decaf of course

"How is the happy couple"

"We're fine mom"

"You didn't give me a chance to get a good look at that ring"

I show her my hand

"Wow Colin you did good"

I kiss him

"Yes he did"

Evan came over to me

"Mommy! Presents now!"

"Okay sweetie we can open them now"

We spend the day opening presents and singing Christmas songs. Colin and Emma played a lot of guitar along with my dad. After a long day Emma falls asleep next to me and Colin. Colin carries her and I carry Evan up to their  bed. We lay them on the bed and kiss them goodnight. Emma says

"Goodnight mom and dad"

I smile at Colin and we both kiss her again.

"We love you Emma"

"I love you guys too"

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