Prove Me Wrong

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P.O.V Tyler

It's been a few days since the fight and Brendon barely says anything to Josh now. And if he does it's mostly just a quick 'hi'. I heard about Mikey and I went to the hospital considering he is one of my good friends. I wasn't there as much, because, of well, Josh is always with me.

We went to take Gerard on a "date" to the forest but I guess Frank and Gerard are a thing now so Frank joined us. I'm so happy for them. They are so cute. And I sound like an eighth grader.

"Hey Tyler." Josh's voice greets me.

"Hey Josh. Why'd you call me?" I ask.

"Well a friend can't call you? Harsh." I just laugh. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie at the theater tonight?" Josh questions.

"Yeah sure what time?" I ask.

"I'll be there at 6:45." Josh tells me.

"Okay! Sounds like a date." I exclaim. Josh laughs nervously and then hangs up.

Did I really just say that? A date. Tyler you're straight.


As I finish getting ready for Josh to pick me up, I think about my sexuality. Am I gay? Am I straight? Am I bisexual? What am I? Straight.

I hear two honks and walk outside to see Josh sitting there in his car playing on his phone. He is blasting The Misfits. I really like that band but Green Day is my number uno.

"Hey bro!" I greet, opening the car door. I see Josh blush and I blush too at the thought of calling him 'bro'.

 "So what movie are we watching?" I ask, getting in the car.

 "Not telling you yet." Josh teases. I give him the puppy dog eyes the best I could muster.

 "Sucks for you Tyler. They don't work on me." I start to sniff like an actual dog and he still doesn't give in.

I give up and give him a playful slap to the arm. "I hate you." I smirk. 

 "I love you too." He said, winking.

I think I just pooped my pants.

Why did I get that feeling? Of course I don't like Josh but maybe I do? I mean he is adorable and my best friend but I want to just stay best friends. Plus, I'm already talking to Jenna.

I need to figure this out.


Josh finally pulled into the parking lot and we emerged from the car. When we started walking towards the theatre, we got really close together, and I just felt tingles go up and down my spine.

"Two tickets for Suicide Squad." Josh announces to the lady, as we stride to the counter. My heart starts filling with joy as I hear the name. We both have been talking about this movie for quite some time. (No this movie hasn't came out for me yet. I'm just gonna put it in here for plot reasons.)

We go get popcorn and a drink and enter the actual theatre. When we found a spot, we both silenced our phone. I noticed that I had a text.

'I miss you already;) xxJ' 

I ignored Jenna's message and shut my phone off to enjoy the movie.


Halfway through the movie I had devoured all my popcorn. Same with Josh. I love this movie so damn much. 

The movie got over and I have never loved a movie any much more. Well, there's one but oh well.

Josh was in front of me trying to stretch right before he hit my in the eye. "Fuck!" I shout in pain. People start to stare and I blush from embarrassment. My hand intently moves to cover my eye. It stings like a motherfluffer.

 "Are you okay? Do you need a cloth? Is it bleeding?" Josh just filled me with questions.

 "Jesus fuck calm your shit. But next time watch want your dumbass and make sure I'm not behind you." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

 "I'm so fucking sorry man." Josh apologies for like the fifth time. I just roll my non injured eye again and smirk.

 "You hit me in the eye. You're acting like you killed my dog." I noted, making Josh giggle.

Josh drops me off at home and I say my goodbyes. I enter my room and go to change out of my clothes.As I am looking in the mirror, I notice my eye is swollen, but it was expected; so I just went to bed.

Slight smut ;)

"Hey Tyler." Josh says, as I open the door.

 "Josh, what are you doing here?" I ask opening the door all the way for him.

 "I came here because I'm bored and wanted to chill." Josh explained. I nodded and we went up to my room.

 "You wanna play Mario Cart?" I questioned. Josh nods and I head up to Zach's room to get the game.

I come back down to find Josh shirtless. 

"Josh why did you take your shirt off?" I asked, confused and cheeks a little red.

"Because I'm hot. In both ways too." Josh informs me. All I do is nod in nervousness.

I guess I've been just staring at him for about a good two minutes because he came up to me to hit me. Before he did I snapped out of it and grabbed his hand. "What are you doing?" I asked, furrowing my brows. 

"Dude you zoned out and kept staring at me so I came up here to smack you to see if you'd snap out of it." Josh answered, a grin apparent on his face as I look away in embarrassment.

We played for what felt like hours. I won the last five games. What can I say? I'm a beast at this. I get thirsty and go to the kitchen to get sodas.

I come back to see Josh without pants on. What the fuck is going on?

"Um Josh?" I try to get his attention. 

Josh looks up and smirks. "Oh hey, baby."

The shit?

"What?" I asked.

 "What? You don't like that name? Too bad." Josh almost whines. I almost punch that motherfucker in the mouth but I don't, because I don't want to hurt him.

 "Okay then..." I trail off. Next thing I know I'm up against the wall with Josh's half naked body pushed against me.

His mouth starts to trail up my neck to my mouth. Soon enough he makes it to my mouth. I don't kiss back but then eventually I do. I do, because I like it when Josh's luscious lips are pressed against mine.

Wait hold the fuck up. Did I just say that?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I'm pushed down on the bed. Josh is on top of me, undoing my shirt. He manages to pull down my pants after my shirt comes off. He then just kisses me. Josh starts to take off his boxers.

Oh god no. But I want it. But then I don't. Come on Tyler make up your mind.

"You are very sexy Tyler." Josh says in a deep voice. I felt myself get hard. Josh looks down at me. "Won't you look at that. Tyler is hard for me." Josh teases and then grabs me.


I wake up panting and sweating. It's not like nightmare swear and panting. I just then realized something that I should've realized a while ago.

I'm in love with Joshua William Dun.

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