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You couldn't believe you were finally waiting in this line, after all this time. You anxiously peered around the girl in front of you to see your idol, Suga, smiling at a girl that was at the front of the line.

His smile was probably one of the cutest things you'd ever seen. The line felt like it wasn't even moving, but eventually you were next to talk to him.

The girl in front of you walked off with a big grin on her face. You nervously walked up to Suga.
"Hi, what's your name?" He asked casually.

"______ ______," You replied, clutching your notebook tighter to your chest. He grinned a little.

"Nice to meet you ______, do you have anything for me to sign?"

You nodded before handing him your notebook, biting your lip as he flipped it open. You watched as he wrote something down on the paper. He closed the notebook before smiling and handing it back to you.

"T-Thanks," You mumbled, holding it close to you again.

"No problem." You turned and began to walk away. He was just so cute, it was hard to take! You let out a tiny sigh before opening to the page he'd signed.

"Hope you don't mind, but I'd like to see you a little more. Text me sometime? - Yoongi."

You gaped at the numbers written underneath the message. You felt like this was a dream, which it most likely was, but you were going to live this dream out to the fullest. A wide smile spread on your lips as you closed the notebook and looked back at Suga.

He was preoccupied with another fangirl, but you noticed he stole a glance at you when she wasn't paying too much attention. Your smile got even wider as you walked to get something to snack on.

There wasn't really anyone at the concession stand, so it didn't take long to grab something small and quickly enjoy it. You couldn't wait until later to text Yoongi, that was for sure.

Later that evening you were relaxing in a shirt that was a little too big and a pair of black athletic shorts. You were staring at the screen of your phone, debating on if you could actually text him or not.

You finally decided to just go for it and sent him a simple message.

"Hey Yoongi, it's ______, you wanted me to text you?" You sighed before shakily tapping the send button. Leaning back with your arms behind your head, you closed your eyes. A celebrity gave you his number today, not to mention it was your number one idol. It seemed so unreal.

You had begun to drift off to sleep when your phone let out a little tune. You immediately grabbed it from the table.

"Yeah, thanks for texting. Can you come over tomorrow?"

The grin from earlier returned to you as you hastily typed your reply.

"Sure thing, where am I meeting you?"

"I'll come pick you up, just tell me where to go." You typed your address and sent it to him.

"Alright cool, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight."


You got up off the couch and stretched, turning off the lights and going back to your bedroom. You buried yourself in the comfortable covers before quickly falling asleep.

Unfair | Suga | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now