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You couldn't help but feel guilty. You were lying.

Soon it won't be a lie, I'll fall for him eventually.

You were sitting cross legged on your bed, just having woken up. Taehyung insisted on sleeping with you, but he wasn't here now.

You heard noise from outside the bedroom and slowly got up. You found him in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Ah, good morning _____!" He said cheerfully.

"Good morning," You mumbled with a smile.

You realized you forgot your phone in the bedroom on the charger. You went to get it, unplugging it and checking your notifications.

You had a message from Jungkook.

When you have the time, I would like to talk with you.

You quickly sent him a reply.

Why not just text me what you need to say?

This is something you talk about in real life.

You decided to ask Taehyung if you could meet up and talk with Jungkook.

"I guess that's alright," He aswered as he handed you a plate of food.

"He wants to talk, that's all. I promise I'll come right back and we can hang out." Taehyung nodded before he made his own plate. You quickly ate and texted Jungkook back.

I can talk now, where do I meet you?

Almost immediately you got a reply.

At the dance studio, that's where I am right now.

You went and put on Yoongi's hoodie, told Taehyung goodbye, and rushed out the door. The air was a little warmer today, but nonetheless it was still cold.

Your pace was brisk, as you hoped to get there as soon as you could. You passed the bench where Yoongi had apologized, but you avoided looking at it.

You didn't want to think about him anymore.

You eventually got to your destination, and you pushed the door open. On the way to the dance room you noticed you didn't run into anyone. Was he alone?

"Hey Jungkook," You greeted as you finally reached the room.

"Hey, come, sit down." You walked towards him and sat across from him on the floor.

He sighed heavily, not talking for a while.

"I lied to you," He finally said.

"About what?" You asked.


"What do you mean you lied about him?" You questioned. You didn't want this to happen all over again, you didn't think you were ready for that.

"I told you he didn't love you, didn't I? I lied, he never felt sorry for you, he really cared about you," He explained.

"Why? Why would you lie about that?" You felt furious. No reason seemed like it would be good enough to do something like that.

"I didn't want Taehyung to get hurt again, so I wanted you to fall in love with him instead."

You stayed silent, not wanting to say anything you'd regret.

Wait, Yoongi loves me. He cares. What now? How do I go apologize for yelling at him like I did? He'll probably just tell me that was my last chance and I blew it.

You took a deep breath before making the decision to ask Jungkook where Yoongi was.

"He told me not to tell you, he said my decision was for the best. He thinks it'd be worse if Taehyung got hurt rather than him," He replied.

You frustratedly sighed and stood up.

"Fine, I'm going back to my apartment then, if that was all." So Yoongi was rejecting you now.

"______, wait-" You had already turned and started walking out. You didn't want to hear anything else.

This is like an endless cycle. It's so stupid, why can't he just say he loves me too? He's complicating things so much more than he has to.

What could Jungkook have possibly meant when he said "again?" Taehyung's been hurt before?

You got lost in thought as you returned home to a waiting Taehyung.

Was his decision really what he wanted?

Unfair | Suga | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now