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"By me? I forced you to lie about loving someone?" He asked. His hands were by his side now, but he still stood right in front of you.

"Well, I thought that was obvious. You-"

"Get away from her," You heard on your left. Taehyung stood there, his hands clenched into tight fists.

"I'm ruining your concert," You mumbled, looking at the ground guiltily.

"No, that's not true. They're still singing and everything is fine. It'll all be okay," He said softly. Yoongi was silently staring at him, his face expressionless.

"All those fans are probably so worried about you guys, I should've just kept my distance from you all. I never should've texted you Yoongi." Tears welled up and threatened to fall for what felt like the millionth time.

"If you hadn't texted him I wouldn't know you, ______, I don't know what I'd do without you," Taehyung said in a pleading tone.

"Everyone really likes you, so it's a good thing you texted me," Yoongi said quietly, looking back over at you.


Yoongi put a finger against your lips before quickly saying, "No buts. This is all a good thing, stop worrying." Taehyung had fallen completely silent and watched you both.

You blinked a couple times in shock before he dropped his arm by his side again.

"I wouldn't know what it's like to really love someone if you hadn't come around," Yoongi admitted.

                       "Suga?" Taehyung spoke up. Yoongi looked away from both of you without saying anything.

                       "Do you still love her?" The question seemed to ring out louder than he'd intended. Yoongi froze, hesitating on answering.

                          Taehyung was staring right at him. Would he really answer this?

                          "Yes. Yes I do, I still love her. I wish she could be mine and you didn't have feelings for her. I wish there was a way that her being with me didn't hurt you, but there's not. She's yours because your feelings matter to me, Taehyung." He looked up and met his gaze.

                          "You deserve her more than me," Taehyung stated. Yoongi looked shocked at his response.

                           "I see the way she looks at you, it isn't the same way she sees me. She loves you Yoongi, not me." You looked at him with an astonished look on your face. He knew, all this time he knew you'd been lying to him about your feelings.

                          "Yoongi just accept it, I did, so should you!" He was yelling now, which surprised both you and Yoongi since he never did this.

                            "She doesn't love me!" Tears were rolling down his cheeks and his fists were clenched.

                            "She doesn't love me," He whispered, letting his hands relax.

                             "Is that who I forced you to lie to?" Yoongi asked you slowly. You nodded and guiltily looked at the ground.

                              "What happened out there?" You heard an angry voice and turned to see Namjoon. The rest of the guys were following behind him.

                                "Why're you back here?" He turned to you.

                                 "I came to see what was wrong with Yoongi," You replied, not looking him in the eye.

                                 "Well, Yoongi, what's the matter?" Jin asked him.

                                   He was staring at you, hesitating to speak.

                                    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this to you," Yoongi said quietly. He didn't bother to answer Jin's question, but he simply apologized to you. It was an honest apology, nothing like what he'd said before.

                                   "I'm so sorry, I love you, I do." His gaze still hadn't left you, not even when he finished by saying, "I promise."

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