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A few days had passed and Taehyung had asked you if you could attend their concert.

"Of course," You said, smiling at him. He grinned and offered to buy you a ticket.

"No that's not necessary-"

"Let me do this for you ______, I want to make sure you get the best place." You sighed.

"Alright, fine. If you want to." He ended up buying you one of the most expensive tickets possible so you could be right up front.

"Why do you want me to be so close?" You asked, laughing.

"I want to be able to see you, so maybe it'll be like I'm singing just for you."

"Ah, you're too sweet," You gave him a small smile.

"Not half as sweet as you are," He quickly kissed your nose and grinned.

You let out a tiny laugh and touched your nose. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a hug.

"I love you so much, ______. Nothing could replace you." You automatically felt guilty.

"I love you too Taehyung." He let you go and smiled at you one more time.

Taehyung had to leave a few hours after that to get ready for the concert, which left you and your thoughts alone until it was time to go.

I hate that I'm doing this to him, I wish he knew.

You were just at home, sitting on your couch and thinking. You set an alarm for whenever you had to leave.

You leaned back and sighed, closing your eyes. You decided to rest until it was time instead of worrying about your feelings for once.

The loud alarm on your phone startled you and you quickly turned it off. You got up and headed in the direction the concert was taking place.

                   You saw the long line and heaved a sigh, but something caught your eye. One of the security guards was motioning to you. You quietly slipped out of the line and walked over to him.

                  "Are you ______ ______?" He asked. You nodded.

                  "Alright, follow me. I've been given orders to take you directly to the front."

                   You followed him without hesitation while trying not to attract too much attention. People might question you if they saw you and this guard.

                Eventually, you reached where the guard was bringing you. Almost immediately you felt someone wrap their arms around you.

               "Thank you so much for coming!" Taehyung's voice sounded in your ear. You tilted your head back slightly and saw him with a wide smile on his face.

              "Of course, I've always wanted to go to one of your concerts." You returned his smile.

              "Everyone is being let in, hurry and take your spot. I love you!" He said as he let go of you.

               "I love you too, good luck." You took your place and as soon as you did you heard everyone behind you. You turned around and saw them. There were so many.

                I'm the luckiest person on earth, aren't I? I'm important to them just as they were to me. I'm not just another face in the crowd anymore.

              You turned your attention to the stage as the boys came out. They looked absolutely stunning.

               You felt yourself smile as you watched them.

               It started getting hot from all the people near you, but you payed no mind. You were completely enthralled in their performance. All of the sudden you met eyes with someone.

                Yoongi was staring directly at you. You didn't look away, and neither did he. It wasn't his part of the song anyway.

               It was almost as if you were silently communicating all the hidden feelings you both had. He was looking at you with so much longing your heart felt like it would break.

             Suddenly, he broke eye contact and started rapping, but you could see him glancing at you often.

              Was he lying when he said he thought I should be with Taehyung?

Unfair | Suga | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now