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A few days had passed since he'd said the words you'd been dying to hear. You were currently at yet another photo shoot with them, waiting quietly while using your phone.

"Hey ______, can I talk to you?" You recognized Jungkook's voice. You nodded and he sat down in the chair across from you, putting his arms on the table you were at.

"Yoongi.... He doesn't really love you." You froze. He just walks right over and tells you that? Just like that?

"W-What do you mean?" You felt your hands grow slightly shaky.

"He just feels sorry for you, that's all."

"Are you sure?" You asked, clutching your phone tightly. Jungkook nodded.

"I'm positive."

"How're you so sure?" You asked angrily.

"He told me." Everything seemed to fall right then and there, your hopes for staying with Yoongi, your trust with him, all of it.

You felt tears threaten you as Jungkook gave you a sympathetic look.

"Excuse me," You muttered, standing from your chair. You walked all the way out of the building and sat outside, where no one would hear you.

How could he do this to you?

You felt as if you'd fallen into his trap yet again. Is this what he'd planned all along?

       You felt a tap on your shoulder and looked up to see a worried looking Yoongi.

        "Are you okay? I saw you rush out here-"

       "Am I okay? I don't know! You tell me! You're such a liar!" You shouted at him. He looked stunned.

       "What're you talking about? ______ calm down," He grabbed your shoulders, but his touch only angered you more.

       "You don't love me, so don't pretend you do!" You shook his hands off and began walking in the direction of your apartment. It was a ways away, but you didn't mind the walk.

       Anything to get away from him.

       You heard him call after you, but you didn't turn back. You didn't want to see him, hear him, nothing.

       You wanted him to be gone forever.

       You hurriedly wiped the tears away from your eyes as you walked. The air was still cold, but you had on a jacket, so you were fine.

      The realization hit you. You were wearing his jacket. You quickly slid it over your head, feeling the cold air hit you now you weren't wearing it anymore. You began to shiver, but still didn't put it back on.

      Something felt off though. He looked so confused when you'd told him that you'd found out. He had called after you.

       You shook your head. It doesn't matter, because apparently he was good at acting.

        It was all probably because you'd told him about your past. He felt sorry for you and felt like he had to fake loving you to make you feel better.

        I've been fine on my own, I don't need him anyway.

        You repeated this in your head over and over.

"Because I love you."

You heard his voice in your head. You let out a frustrated sigh.

"No you don't," You mumbled. The air only seemed to get colder as you continued on your way.

         "______, you're gorgeous. Don't say things like that."

        You clutched onto his jacket. You hated the fact that you'd fallen for him. Why hadn't you dropped the hoodie yet? It felt like you couldn't. It felt like if you did, it'd be a declaration of it being over. Almost like pronouncing that what had happened was real, and it was really all over.

         You knew you were just giving yourself false hope, but you almost didn't care anymore.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, let's just be like we were before. Please?" His smile after that had warmed your heart to its very core.

You stopped walking, and stood still in the middle of the sidewalk. There was really no one around, everyone was probably in their homes staying warm.

Why did it always end this way?

Unfair | Suga | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now